Title: Happy Heart
happy mind
In June, the month of Patriotism and Veterans Affairs, the gun incident at the front unit in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi-do made the whole country sad. Why did the incomprehensible incident of throwing grenades and shooting at the same platoon members? There are small problems that appear outwardly, but spiritually, this is the work of the devil. John 8:44 testifies that “the devil was a murderer from the beginning, and he cannot stand in the truth, because the truth is not in him.” In Genesis 4, Cain's killing of his brother Abel is interpreted as follows in 1 John 3:12. “Do not be like Cain, for he belonged to the evil one and killed his brother Abel.” This saying is that the devil is working behind the murder.
Watching this shooting, I thought, 'Why does this happen in the military?'
① The first is that the concept of the main enemy has disappeared from the military. In the ongoing sunshine policy toward North Korea, North Korea is a brother, not an enemy, so you are pointing your gun at the wrong place.
② The second is that the military discipline has become lax. The military is a special group, and when the philosophy that national security is more important than individual personality or life is strong, strong soldiers are created through strong training.
③The third is the lack of ability to adapt to reality. Young people who grew up weak are twisted in their national view, life view, and values in education centered on entrance exams, and they only stick to their position in the group and avoid adapting to reality. ④ The point is that it is difficult to educate the soldiers in the faith. The number of chaplains is decreasing, and the hours of worship are also disappearing on Sunday evenings and Wednesday worship services, which means that we are getting farther away from the Word of God. I am reminded of the words of a death row prisoner. “If I had believed in Jesus a little earlier, I would not have done such a terrible thing!”
I hope that the saints will not only educate their children, but also raise them up with healthy minds and healthy bodies.
After the country is taken away, there is no country to protect it even if you want to protect it. It is said that even today in Israel, women are proudly fulfilling their national defense duties. Young people who go to the military do not go to death, but they have a country to protect, and I pray that they will enlist with joy and enjoy their military life with gratitude for their health.
Next week is Thanksgiving Day.
When we give gifts to God, we say, "Let's prepare it with a cheerful heart." God commands Moses. “Tell the people of Israel to bring gifts to God.”
Deuteronomy 16:16 says, “You must observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles three times a year.” The Feast of Unleavened Bread commemorates the eating of unleavened bread (unleavened bread) in the Passover feast to commemorate the Exodus. It is a festival to give thanks for salvation through the truth. The Feast of Weeks, also called the Feast of Firstfruits, is the Feast of Harvest thanks to wheat and barley farming. Spiritually, it means receiving the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The Feast of Tabernacles is the feast of giving thanks after the last harvest in the tabernacle. It is the same as Thanksgiving now, but spiritually it means the judgment of the Lord who will come again.
In Exodus 25:1-2, the people who heard God's command from Moses obeyed and brought gifts and built the tabernacle. Stop bringing it.” It's an overflowing way to have fun. I bless the whole church and all of you with overflowing blessings on this autumn festival as well. The attributes that belong to God are obedience and gratitude. In the devil, disobedience and dissatisfaction abound, and he takes the fruit of it. In Exodus 32, those who did not offer their gifts to God made idols of calves that God was angry with.
Donations are given according to the circumstances and according to the faith. Deuteronomy 16:10 says, “Give voluntary gifts to count the blessings God has given you.” It is important to give with all your heart, with faith and devotion, regardless of the large or small amount. If we count the blessings God has given us, there is no one who will not be thankful, and there will be no one who will not offer a gift in faith. When giving a gift, be sure to write your name, and if it is unavoidable, write “Anonymous” next to your name so that the Lord's servant can pray. The life of faith is a relationship between God and me. Beautiful relationships are created as I draw closer to God, dedicate myself, and serve materially.
The secret to being loved by God, the secret to being blessed, and the secret to prospering is to enjoy God (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Dear members of Shepherd Church,
This week, as Psalm 51:12 says, “Restore your joy to me, and give me a willing spirit to sustain me.” I pray that this week will be a blessed week in which devotion, service, and love to God are restored in our lives. I bless you by name. Amen