Title: Happy Man (Psalm 01:1-6)
Content: Who is the happy person today? Physical pleasure, mental pleasure, or
Whether it is in a particular activity or being itself. Happiness is a person.
What is the state of the inner essence is the question.
The wealth and glory that everyone desires, as well as all kinds of status, honor, and health,
Even if he leads a harmonious life, if he does not find satisfaction in his heart, he will be unhappy.
is a person What is the life of a happy person? We read Psalm 1
You will hear the answer to this. Happy people say Russell
To live objectively, to have free affections and broad interests, and to
Are you a person who finds happiness by sharing your interests with each other? but the Bible
Esau says that those who have received the Lord's salvation are happy.
(Deuteronomy 33:29, Romans 4:6) He who does nothing but finds grace
is a happy person Salvation comes by faith, not works (Ephesians 2:8).
Psalm 1 begins with happiness ( ) and ends with destruction ( ).
It uses unique literary techniques to inspire believers to be deeply immersed in their thoughts.
make me lose Even in the midst of thinking that I have nothing
And I have something to drink, and I have the power to pray to God with my hands
How grateful and happy it is to have you. As Pascal said, 'Buy only yourself.
It is the evil nature of human beings to want to be happy and prosperous.' psalm
happy people talking
First, those who love the word of God. God's Word
Become the power of living life and cope with any situation
gain wisdom This wisdom is our life...