Title: Happy Parents
Title: Happy Parents
Bible: Proverbs 23:22
2007.5. 13. Daytime Mother's Day
< There is a saying in the ancient poem, “Ancient wisdom” (斑衣之戱). This word is derived from the old saying that in the country of Cho (楚), a man named 老萊子 wore colorful clothes to please his old parents and was foolish.> If only he could please his parents, he wore clothes like a child and dressed like a child. It's about dancing.
Mother's Day!
If there was a most beautiful name in the world, it would be Mother.
If there was a most honorable name in the world, it would be my parents.
There is this story in the Jewish Talmud.
God said he couldn't be anywhere in the world, so he gave his mother instead of me.
I have no back, so I sent my mother to carry the child. I have no breast, so I took the child with my mother's breast. Because I do not have the lifeline, I sent my mother to feed the child with the lifeline. I could not protect them with warm hands, so I sent my mother to raise the children with her hands. It is that God sent parents as God's representatives to raise us.
That's right. Therefore, parents are representatives of God.
My mother taught me zeal and honesty in life, and my father taught me kindness, mercy, and broad relationships.
So, my diligence and zeal is what I inherited from my mother, and my heart to be liked by many people and to understand them broadly is what I inherited from my father.
God made me who I am today through my parents.
I thank God and sincerely thank my parents for nurturing and nurturing me to become who I am.
happy parents
I have to make these parents happy, but I always regret that I couldn't. Now let's make our parents happy.
25> “Rejoice your father and mother, and the mother who gave birth to you.”
10 things you must do to your parents.
1. Confess your love often.
2. We must understand aging.
3. Give the gift of laughter.
4. Be sure to bring pocket money.
5. Give your parents a job too. The older you get, the more you need a seat.
6. Tell stories often.
7. Bright marks are the greatest gift to parents.
8. Discuss the little things and say hello.
9. Arrange your parents' life well.
10. The greatest filial piety is to acknowledge your parents' ways.
happy parents
1. To obey your parents.
I say what I listened to with an obedient and reverent heart. Obedience to parents is the moral of children. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord. This is right.” What is human right? It is obedience to your parents. Therefore, disobedience to parents is a sin. Those who obey their parents well will also obey God's Word. Parents are infinitely happy when their children are obedient. A child whose children speak up against their parents and talk back well is a child who breaks the hearts of their parents. Therefore, I hope you will make your parents happy by obeying and obeying your parents.
“A foolish son is a sorrow to his father and a torment to his mother.”
2. Don't belittle your old mother.
Young mothers are still strong and capable, so they can shout at their children, but old parents lack the strength and are despised by their children because they have exhausted their abilities. You are treated like an old man. Where could life be as sad as this?
To despise = To belittle, to despise, to despise, or to despise.
“He who abuses his father and drives out his mother is a child who brings shame and insults.”