Title: He is stabbed
he was stabbed
This week is an important week for Christianity.
Jesus' 33 years of brief earthly life
If you leave out what happened this week,
Because the life of Jesus has no meaning.
Praying in Gethsemane,
The Last Supper, being taken away by Roman soldiers and suffering,
Events such as crucifixion and resurrection
All done this week.
As we meditate on the suffering Lord today,
We want to spend this week meaningfully.
How much was the suffering of Jesus who suffered on the cross?
First, he did not open his mouth even when he was in distress.
Isaiah 53:7 Even when he is afflicted and afflicted,
He did not open his mouth, like in a slaughterhouse.
It was like a sheep being led away.
Second, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Matthew 27:46 Elieli lama sabachthani says
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
It is a screaming word.
Jesus' suffering and suffering
Because it is the pain and suffering that bore the sins of all mankind
It's an unbearable pain.
before the suffering Lord
What we can understand through the words of grace up to Isaiah 53:4-9
1> The suffering of the Lord is the fulfillment of prophecy.
Isaiah 53:4 - He bore our sorrows and bore our sorrows.
We thought he was punished
smitten by God and suffer afflictions.
Isaiah 53:5 - He was pierced for our transgressions;
He was bruised for our iniquities.
His chastisement brings us peace,
By his wounds we are healed.
The crucifixion of Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy.
2> The cross of Jesus was the sacrifice for atonement.
a person from birth
There is a sin that descends from Adam.
It's a self-crime.
we are sinful
We are born in sin and we live with sin.
(Romans 3:10 There is no one righteous, not even one.)
If you look at the history of the Old Testament
Even if we receive God's grace, we are not thankful.
for this fallen man
God offered Jesus the Son of God as a sin offering
You decided to take it and sent it.
John 1:29 Behold the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world.
In the Old Testament, in order for a person to receive forgiveness of sins,
Sheep were offered as a sin offering.
For the sins of the people of the world that God came and came to Jesus
He made a perfect sacrifice for atonement.
3> Jesus obeyed God's plan of salvation.
Jesus was without sin.
He was not born of unclean mother's blood, but was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Even though Jesus came in a human body, He has a divine nature.
You are the Lord of power.
However, he was captured by the Roman soldiers.
carrying the cross of suffering
He was completely obedient to God the Father.
God the Father
Let Jesus endure the pain and suffering that human beings would experience.
He took the divinity to do this.
My salvation was obtained through the cross of Jesus.