Title: Heaven's Reward
"And for my name's sake, neither house nor brothers nor sisters nor parents
Everyone who has forsaken children or lands will receive a multiplier, and will inherit eternal life.”
One day, a close relative
I asked why the Bible tells me to abandon my parents...
However, in the text, 'abandonment' does not mean severing the bond of flesh and blood.
It means to choose the better and more precious thing first.
If you stop following the Lord because of personal affections with your family,
Wouldn't that be a way for everyone to perish together...
If unbelievers in the world understand today's words literally
All Christians would think of as 'disrespectful,' people who abandoned their parents.
Our Christian faith is often misunderstood by the world.
The reason they are not welcome is because there are many things that go against the traditions and customs of the flesh in the world.
“The lust of the flesh is against the Spirit, and the Spirit is against the flesh.” {Galatians 5:17}
The most difficult of these is 'the issue of ancestral rites.'
In the past and now, the eldest son and daughter-in-law of the servant's household did not bow down to the altar.
To believe in Jesus without wavering in that family is almost a 'stage of martyrdom'.
Sometimes, they are bullied at work and in personal relationships, and sometimes they suffer 'disadvantages'.
Living in this world, following the Lord and keeping the faith is 'the path of lonely suffering.'
So... how do we do God's work?
To the asking Jews, the Lord said,
By believing in me, you are doing the works of God. [John 6:28-29]
Until the children of God come before the Lord
It is not easy to keep one's faith flawlessly and completely.
At first, a person who had good faith, after a few years, meet
They lose their old faith and see how people have changed a lot.
Satan is testing us at important points in our 'journey of faith'.
Therefore, we must pray without ceasing.
In the Bible, the meaning of praying without ceasing is to always live 'with the Lord being conscious' in my life.
Yes... to our eyes, everything that appears and disappears after a while is a lie.
Truth is eternal and unchanging.
Disciples are 'health, knowledge, wealth, power...'
They are wise people who have obtained 'eternal life' by giving all these things to the Lord.
“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, and when a man discovers it,
He hid it, and rejoicing, he goes back and sells all that he has and buys the field.” (Matthew 13:44)
In today's Word, because of the many riches that one has
who did not follow the Lord and lost eternal life,
The story of the foolish 'rich young man,' is also recorded.
Which one are you going to choose... I bless you in the name of the Lord that you go on the most precious path.
“It is not what we see that we pay attention to.
What is invisible is what is seen is temporary, but what is invisible is eternal." {2 Corinthians 4:18}