Title: Heavenly Blessings
Contents Ages, peoples, individuals, truth and lies coexist.
There is a true self and a false self. What is true?
Jesus said that I am the true bread, the true food, the true drink, and if you accept it, you will become a true person.
Without Jesus, faith, service, love, happiness, and success are all lies.
There are hymns and hymns.
1. To the praise of the glory of God (3-14)
Start with a hymn - close with a hymn (14)
Why do you sing? It's not because of external things. (3)
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Eph 1:3).
2. Heavenly blessings (2)
※ Heavenly blessings in Christ (3)
① Heaven's blessing - Earth's blessing
② Spiritual Blessings - Physical Blessings
③ Eternal Blessing - Temporary Blessing
Which blessing do you believe in?
① 6-day creation - from eternity to eternity
② By the Word - the blood of the Son of God
③ What will collapse - Eternity (Provisional building - Main building)
E) Bonhoeffer's cheap grace!
※ Bonhoeffer warned that ‘cheap grace and easy believism are the most dangerous elements of modern Christianity’.
This is how von Hooper describes ‘cheap grace’.
“Forgiveness without repentance, baptism without confession, communion without fellowship, grace without the cross, discipleship without sacrifice, Christian without life, these are cheap grace.” Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of the church. Today we are fighting for precious grace.
Precious grace is the grace of the living Jesus Christ obtained through the cross.
Valuable grace requires repentance.
Valuable grace requires confession.
Valuable grace must have the merits of the cross.
Precious grace requires life./ Taking the image of Christ.
Such people receive valuable grace from God.
3. God who chose us before the foundation of the world (4)
※ What is divine blessing? (Father-Son-Holy Spirit) Blessing of the Triune God
(1) God the Father’s chosen spiritual blessings (3~4)
(2) The spiritual blessing of receiving the forgiveness of sins through the blood of the Son Jesus (5-7)
(3) Spiritual blessing with the seal of God the Holy Spirit (8~14)
1) Selected before the foundation of the world (4)
2) Saved by the blood of Jesus (7)
3) Becoming a child of God (5)
4) Received the eternal heavenly inheritance (13~14)
※ The essence of Christianity
① The blood of Jesus Christ
② Salvation
③ Heaven (growth)
④ The person of Jesus