Title: Here I Am (Isaiah 6:1-8)
The Times of Isaiah's Day
"...my people do not understand" (1:3) (spiritual ignorance)
"...the whole head was sick, and the whole heart was weary (1:5)" (heart closed)
"...I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls or lambs or goats" (1:11).
(Donation of self-exaltation)
“…you come to see me…you only tread on my yard” (1:12).
(Formal worship)
“My heart hates your new moons and your appointed feasts, which are heavy on me.
It is a burden (1:13)" (formal feast)
Even though they want grace and blessings, worship is a formality, and the church says there is no love.
Close your heart and say that faith is humility and obedience, but show off and boast of yourself
It is our God today, speaking of love for the church and the sense of ownership but not living a prayer life.
It is a contradiction in life.
1. God sees us in this contradiction
“When you spread out your hands, I cover your eyes, and though you pray a lot, I will not listen.
I will not (1:15)
“If ye are willing and obedient, ye shall eat of the good of the earth” (1:19).
2. Our Reformation in the midst of this contradiction
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob” (2:3).
"Do not count on life. His breath is in his nose, where is it worth the number?
Is it? (2:22)"
We must throw away idols and remove anything that hinders or hinders our worship.
Let go of the closed mind that is biased towards your own feelings and emotions
should be cut off
3. Psychological conflicts if not reformed
“The people oppress one another, and each one destroys his neighbour” (2:3).
They are estranged and lead an unstable life.
“Your men will perish by the sword, and your warriors will perish in war” (3:25).
“They shall mourn and weep at their gates” (3:26).
In the end, we fall into worry, sadness, and discouragement, and we have sorrow and thirst.
4. God's Desire
“I waited for good grapes to grow” (5:4).
"He expected fairness from them... and righteousness from them" (5:7).
5. Our resolve and determination
“His glory fills the whole earth” (6:3). The glory of God and His presence in the temple.
We must serve with humility and meekness to be full.
"...with them they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they
Fly (6:2)" Cover what you have to cover, and do what you have to do today.
"Then I said, Woe to me, I am destroyed; I have unclean lips.
Man... (6:5)" We must confess our sins and transgressions before God.
“Here I am, send me” (6:8) for our mission.
You have to be dedicated and do your best.