Title: Heroes of Faith
heroes of faith
Faith that pleases God / 11:6
Heroes of faith can be divided into two main categories.
before and after Abraham.
There were three heroes of faith before Abraham.
The first was Abel, who offered a sacrifice pleasing to God.
The second is Enoch, who ascended to heaven without dying.
The third is Noah, who survived the judgment of the waters.
Abel who gave true worship / 11:4
Enoch who did not see death / 11:5,6
How did Enoch please God?
First, Enoch always acknowledged the existence of God like air.
Second Enoch believed that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.
Noah Prepared the Ark / 11:7
Five characteristics of Noah's faith
First, Noah accepted God's warning without seeing.
Second, Noah was a God-fearing man.
Third, Noah prepared the ark to prepare and prepare for judgment.
Fourth, Noah was saved not only himself, but his whole family as well.
Fifth, Noah condemned the world and became the heir of the righteousness that follows faith.
People looking at their hometown / 13-16
Characteristics of faith in the fathers of faith after Abraham
First, he lived by faith and died by faith.
A second promise was made, but it was not fulfilled.
Third, the ancestors of faith in the Old Testament lived like foreigners and strangers.
Fourth, living like foreigners and strangers, they dreamed of a better hometown.
Climax of Faith / 25~26
Continuing the genealogy of faith 33-40
characteristics of these people
First, there was hardship.
Second, the world cannot afford these people.