Title: History of Evil Spirits
The text is Matthew 8:23-34
It is true even if it raises the question of building a large chapel. If there are not 1 to 20 church members, but thousands and tens of thousands of people, all the spaces including the place of worship are needed. When our church was first built, we thought it was big, but as the number of people increased to 800 to 1,000, there was not enough space for a chapel of 1,300 pyeong on a site of 2000 pyeong. Judging religion by the world's standards is largely behind the emotions of the evil devil. It is as if the devil worked behind the scenes when Cain killed his brother Abel.
So is the parking lot. Our church is open to the public, but we scrape parked cars and throw away cigarette butts and beer cans. We are happy that we are working together well, but the church has the authority to open the parking lot.
That's the case with tithing reports. That's what the Bible teaches, and it's not a realm that people can't talk about. As the standard of unbelievers, one-sided biased reporting is a demonic element that makes society uneasy and distrusts each other.
Today's text is similar to that spiritual background.
Mokyang Church members, let's not watch MBC. In the future, those who oppose the Lee Myung-bak government, the elders, will be eager to damage the church, but we must be wise. You must have spiritual strength to win the battle against evil spirits. I hope you will win by standing firm in your faith.