Title: Hit the Rock
Title: Strike the Rock Text: Exodus 17:1-7
1. People have more unbelief in God than their fleshly thirst.
Exodus 17:7 The Israelites were called to confirm God's covenant with Abraham and to enter Canaan and build a new kingdom based on that covenant. There was only one God who was responsible for their survival, exodus from Egypt, and allowed them to enter Canaan. They accepted this incident as not because they did not have water to drink, but because they wanted to challenge God, and criticized the people for why they were testing the Lord. Exodus 17:2 And Exodus 17:7 says that the secret conspiracy of the Israelites to seek water was to test the Israelites to see if the Lord was really with them. Complaining and dissatisfaction stem from unbelief in God. Happiness in life doesn't come from drinking, eating, or a restful sleep. It comes from trusting in God.
2. The way to solve this physical thirst and spiritual anxiety is to let water flow from the rock.
When water comes out of the rock, you can quench your thirst in the flesh. And they can experience and experience that God, who is spiritually anxious, is with them. God solved these two problems by giving the Israelites water from a rock. I pray that the history of solving this problem will be yours to worship today.
To make water come out of the rock
Second, we must go to the rock where God is. Exodus 17:6 God told Moses to go to the rock. That rock is the rock where God dwells. So, in the text, it tells us to go to that rock. Water does not come from any rock. Water comes from the rock chosen by God, the rock with God, and the rock where God is present. Verse 6 says, “There I will stand before you on the rock that is on Mount Horeb.” It says that God stands on a rock. It means that God is present on the rock. Problems are solved when God is with them.
The rock here is Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul said of the Rock: 1 Corinthians 10:4 'All drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ.' Only Jesus Christ. Jesus said that the water he gives will never thirst. John 4:14 c.
Third, hit the rock. Bottled water doesn't just come out. It comes out when you hit the rock. Hitting the rock means the suffering of Jesus Christ. The Lord has provided us with living water by suffering for us, being whipped, and shed His blood. The sole reason Jesus came to this earth was to be beaten and die for us.