Title The best gift for loved ones
Hymn: 218 “Lord Jesus come into my heart”
Meditation: The greatest gift we can give to a loved one is our intercessory prayer for him.
Confession of Faith: Apostles' Creed
Text: John 17:9-15
Word: The first thing that happens when you fall in love is that you want to give a good gift. The first thing that comes to mind when you see a nice tie, clothes, or bag. When you think of how your loved one will be happy to receive the gift, your heart is filled with joy as you prepare. But what is the best gift we can prepare for someone we truly love? When we learn what the gift of love Jesus gave to his beloved disciples, we too can prepare the best gift.
The gift of love that Jesus gave was prayer. Jesus constantly intercedes for us. Jesus prayed that his followers would not be of the world, and that they would not yield to evil, but be separated from the world and do God's will. He was praying for their spiritual needs, not for their success and advancement. We too should make spiritual supplications for our loved ones (verse 11). We should pray for protection in the name of God rather than praying for the need to be met. For the salvation of our families, we need to pray that no matter what difficulties we face in the world, we will become victors in the name of Jesus.
We should also pray for the maturity to become one rather than a strong individuality (verse 11). Above all else, the way families become one is for all families to worship together and pray for each other. An ant is insignificant, but a flock can kill a bull. When families come together and pray together over one prayer subject, there is nothing to fear. We must also pray for a family that enjoys spiritual joy rather than worldly riches (verse 13).
When we match the standard of life with God, we can become a life filled with joy and sharing that joy in our families. The cup of joy grows as it is shared. God will lead our family through prayer and fill it with grace. Prepare your prayers, the best gift for your loved ones.
Prayer: God, imitate the image of Jesus who prayed for his beloved disciples, so that intercessory prayers for the beloved family, neighbors, church community, nation and nation continue continuously. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Lord's Prayer