Title The church is the house of prayer
The church is the house of prayer
Acts 2:42, Acts 6:1-6
1. Introduction
Last week, we looked at the image of the Christian church that was born on the Day of Pentecost by the descent of the Holy Spirit. These are Kerygma (Proclaiming the Gospel) - Didake (Teaching of Lessons) - Eucharist (Communion) - Koinonia (Communion) - Diakonia (Service - Devotion). But what is the foundation of the church that holds the image of existence of all these churches unshaken? It is the fact that the church is the house of prayer for all people.
2. 祈禱 (prayer) is the basis for the existence of each person and the church.
In other words, the ministry of the Word - the Lord's Supper - the service - the fellowship... that prayer does not support is like a house built on sand - a cloud without rain - a feast without a master.
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer, and everyone was afraid, but because of the apostles, they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching. Many wonders and signs appeared, and all who believed were together and had all things in common, selling property and possessions and distributing them according to the needs of each person, and every day worked together to gather in the temple, breaking bread in the house , and rejoicing. And they ate food with an open heart and with an open heart, praising God and receiving praise from all the people, and the Lord added to the number of those who were being saved day by day. Acts 2:42-47.
3. About 祈禱 (prayer)