Title The Master to Serve/Matt 6:24
Text: No one can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24)
Word: The home and living environment vary depending on who the owner is. the owner
If you are a neat and tidy person, so is your life. but the state
If a person is a disorderly person, his life will be the same.
The Lord of our saints is only one Yahweh God. one of our masters
You are in charge of the rise and fall of history and the life and death of human beings, and you are
He weeps and is full of love. We serve God as our Lord,
You will have to live according to your will. Life changes when we do this.
After we know Jesus Christ and become children of God,
It contains my knowledge, will, and emotions that are the product of self-consciousness, but
It is God who has come in. That's why I drive my life with my head
The struggle for sovereignty, whether to live or to live by the work of the Holy Spirit who is in my belly
This starts. The will of God and the will of man are incompatible. One
There cannot be two masters in a house, and no one can serve two masters. castle
Whether we live with the human will according to the beliefs of our heads, we
Whether we live with the will of God who is in us according to the faith of
You have to decide one of them.
Just as there cannot be two sovereignties in one country, so my sovereignty and God’s sovereignty are in one body.
Sovereignty cannot coexist. This is exactly what Adam tried to do and failed.
is. God, who made the heavens and the earth and all things, has an absolute sovereign will.
Dam tried to reconcile his sovereignty with the sovereignty of God in the Garden of Eden.
All. As a result, Adam was cast out of God.
God is a being who challenges God's absolute sovereignty in this universe
You don't tolerate it. So the first Adam was cursed and driven out of Eden.
will be But look at the last Adam Jesus. Jesus himself
did you claim the sovereignty of
In John 14:24, Jesus said, “The words you hear are not mine.
saith the Father who sent me], Matthew 26:39
Esau [My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me.
But not as I will, but as you will.]
is. In many places in the Bible, we always say that you are your own person before the sovereign will of God.
You can discover the attitude of Jesus to subdue God. Jesus is one
Never reconcile your sovereignty with your sovereignty, God's will with your will.
you didn't
In this way, we who are saints also have our own lust, greed, and pride
only have to give up. Whether it rises or falls, whether it grows or declines, whether it lives
When we are completely broken and humbled before the Lord with the attitude of leaving it to the Lord, whether we die or not
The history of heaven is beginning to happen.
Prayer: God, the owner of the home. We have never lived against the will of our master.
There was. I repent this time. Forgive us our sins. the owner
Help me to become a family who obeys God's will and lives justly.
book. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Wholehearted Prayer: To Be Obedient Christians
Lord's Prayer