Title The Problem of Faith (2006.12.17)
Date: December 17, 2006
Word: Matthew 17:14-20
Title: The question of faith
Contents :
In the text, Jesus took Peter, James, and John among the 12 disciples to a high mountain and had a spiritual experience with the transfiguration. At the bottom of the mountain, a father heard about Jesus and brought his son with severe epilepsy. However, Jesus was not there, and the disciples did what Jesus had said, but they could not fix it. Meanwhile, Jesus arrived, and the father knelt before him in front of a large crowd and begged him. When Jesus rebuked the child, the demon who had led the disease left and the child was healed.
The disciples asked Jesus quietly. “Why didn't we fix it? What the hell was the problem?” Jesus answered. “Faith is the problem”!! Indeed, faith is a great thing. It is said that it can move mountains at least than a mustard seed.
The faith that can move mountains is the faith of creation.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
We believe in God who created things out of nothing.
Even if you have lost everything, do not be discouraged. God created something out of nothing.
We believe in God who created us through the Word.
The power of words is great. In one word, all things are made of nature.
We believe in God who created them in an orderly fashion.
Faith is order. God created the heavens and the earth in six days. Believers must know God's creation order and live.
You must live a life of faith.
This is the faith of Immanuel. Jesus defined this generation as an unbelieving and rebellious generation.
In the text, “without faith” is the word “apistus”, which means unfaithful, false, and unbelieving pagans.
The word “little faith” means “oligo pistoy,” which means a person of little faith.
A life of faith is a faith that completely depends on God. True faith is knowing God and trusting God. A living faith is a faith that does not wither, does not perish, does not die, and does not change. It is a faith that grows, a faith that bears fruit.
cross faith
Faith on the cross is faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Faith in the cross is love.
His power for the sick is full of love.
Faith in the cross is faith to throw away.
Jesus gave it all up on the cross. A rich man who sought Jesus could not give up many things and could not become a disciple of Jesus. But Peter abandoned the boat, abandoned his nets, and Zacchaeus abandoned his riches and followed Jesus.