Title The Sign of the Savior's Birth
The sign of life (Luke 2:1-14)
The word Christmas is a compound word of Christ (Christ) + mass (Mass). That is, worshiping Christ. Therefore, a Christmas without worship is meaningless.
1. Jesus Christ, the Master of the history of mankind’s redemption (verses 1-5)
(1) What is the historical period of v. 1 “at this time”?
The political and social situation at the time Jesus was born was BC when Palestine came under Roman rule. From this point on, in the year 63, the Palestinians were moved under the command of the Roman governor, who conducted a hokou survey in order to increase the tax (vv. 1-2). So all the people went down to their hometowns and registered them (verse 3). Joseph and Mary were also betrothed and went down to register in Bethlehem, their hometown of Judea (verses 4-5). But there suddenly came the day of childbirth (verse 6). They gave birth to a baby in a manger (verse 7). Who is Jesus? He is the Son of God and the King of kings. He who came to this earth in a human body to save us was born in a manger only when he came.
(2) History is the story of Jesus Christ who accomplishes the salvation of mankind.
No matter how powerful Rome was, it was only used in God's work of redemption. Look at the providence of God to lead Jesus Christ to be born in Bethlehem in a time of spiritual darkness when the prophecies of the prophets were cut off. This is why we must live Jesus-centered. This is why we need to walk with Jesus. All situations we encounter are never in vain until we become life with Jesus. It is a life that fulfills the providence of God.
⑶ Christ is the Comforter of his suffering people.
When God's people, who had been tormented by the oppression of the Gentiles for a long time, were in despair, God comforted God's people through the sign of the Savior's birth. When a virgin named Mary was now betrothed to Joseph, an angel appeared and heralded the birth of the baby Jesus (Luke 1:30-35). Another name for Jesus is Immanuel. To give us the comfort that God is with us, the Savior was born in this earth in the flesh.
2. Christianity is a religion of joy.
(1) That is the good news of angels (verses 8-11).
The angel called the birth of Jesus Christ, the God, in a stable, and said that it would be good news for all the people (verse 10). An angel announced the birth of the Lord to Bethlehem, saying that he would bring the tidings of great joy to the shepherds who were shepherding in the field (verses 8-9). That the Messiah, the savior they had been waiting for, was born in Bethlehem.
(2) The birth of the Savior is good news of great joy to all the people.
We live with many problems in our lives. But the Lord is the One who completely solves our problems. The good news for the sick is that they are healed. Our Jesus becomes the representative of the sick to heal all ailments. The good news for the poor is that they become rich. Jesus came to this earth to give wealth to the poor (2 Corinthians 8:9). The good news for sinners is the forgiveness of sins.
⑶ Who can rejoice and receive Jesus?
They are despised people in this world. They are neglected in this world. Take a look at the shepherds who came to hear the sound of Jesus' birth. At that time, those who held the profession of shepherd were among the most underprivileged. In worldly terms, these are people who are despised, people who are easy to be ignored, and people who have no hope or anything to be proud of in the world. These people accepted Jesus and rejoiced. Who can truly rejoice, praise, and receive Jesus? They were people eagerly waiting for salvation.
3. Christianity is a religion of signs.
(1) Firmness? The target is the manger (verse 12).
This is a sign of the humility of Jesus. Jesus was humble, and the Savior Jesus, who came to save His people from their sins, was born in a manger. If Jesus was not humble, he could not forsake the high and high heavenly throne and come to this low and lowly earth. Jesus told him to come and learn from him because he was meek and humble of heart. Jesus' humility is well expressed in Philippians 2:5-11. Knowing that it was God's will to atone for the sins of mankind on the cross, he obeyed even to death on the cross.
(2) Because God was humble, He chose the way of the cross.
Had he come as a king with power and wealth and authority, he would have only fueled all our desires. The proud will not obey anyone. The humble person always submits to truth and goodness and truth. Jesus obeyed God the Father until he died on the cross. We are called to do the same. We must submit to the character of Jesus Christ and place our lives in His hands.
4. Christianity is a religion of peace.
(1) The hymns of the angels were the tidings of peace (verses 13-14).
Christianity is truly a religion that glorifies God and a religion that brings true peace to man. The birth of the Lord is the event of greatest joy for man. The work of man, the work of the world, is never "great joy to all the people." The birth of the Lord is good news that brings joy to all the people.
(2) The Lord came to restore our relationship with God.
There is no true happiness for human beings who are at odds with God. People who are enemies with God have no true friends no matter where they go in this world, and when they are reconciled with God, they become happy and reconciled with everything. The Lord came to reconcile us with God.
Also, Jesus Christ gives peace to those who are overcome with anxiety and fear. The way to get out of your worries and fears is to meet the God who gives your life a purpose and takes care of you. When we receive forgiveness from God, we become proud of ourselves. You will look to the Lord with respect and love. Then you will try to imitate the Lord in your life. In addition, those who believe that the Lord is with me will have courage in their hearts.
Those who live with the Lord can enjoy peace of mind and live boldly, confidently, and leisurely no matter how high the winds and waves of the world are. These are the peace that the angels sang in today's text (Luke 2:14).
What signs did Jesus show in the flesh? As the Son of God, Jesus was born in a manger in the flesh to forsake the heavenly throne and to bear the penalty for sinners' sins himself. What more could we hope for more than this? He came to this earth to bear all our weaknesses. He came to this earth to give us freedom, forgiveness, and joy from poverty and disease, oppression and suffering, sin and sorrow. Do not rejoice that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but I hope that you will receive Him as your Savior so that you may be born in your life (Revelation 3:20).
Ministry: Let's make a decision to live a life where we have Jesus as our Savior and Lord of our lives.