Title The Specific Sins of Jerusalem / Ezekiel 22
Content Specific Sins in Jerusalem
Ezekiel 22
1. Cause of Judgment (1-12)
This paragraph focuses on the specific sins of Jerusalem.
① Declaration to make the people of Israel known of their sins (1-2)
② Accusation of Judah’s shameful behavior (3-5) ③ The wicked behavior of Judah’s rulers (6-12)
The central lesson of this paragraph is
(1) Distorted knowledge of God manifests itself in idolatry (1-5).
The most direct cause of the Israelites' idolatry was their misunderstanding of God. This misunderstanding stems from an incident in the past when the Israelites made idols of calves in the wilderness. The people did not deny God directly, but they created God according to their own thoughts and desires. For this reason, Jehovah identifies the source of the idol as “you have made it.” Idols are all realities created by the people's arbitrary thoughts, not based on God's revelation. Therefore, the saints should fear ignorance of the Word above all else and meditate on the Law of the Lord day and night.
(2) A distorted knowledge of God manifests itself in disobedience to the law (6-12).
Spiritual ignorance leads to idolatry and manifests itself in disobedience to the law. Rather than lack of will to obey the law, the Israelites ultimately fell from the Word because they did not know God. Ezekiel said it was because Israel had forgotten God. Because Israel had departed from God, they were guilty of blasphemy: they despised holy things, defiled the Sabbath, and had sexual intercourse. They also practiced the immorality of oppressing and oppressing orphans, widows, and strangers. Therefore, believers will lead a more upright life by accurately understanding God's disposition and work.
2. The Necessity of Judgment and Spiritual Purification (13-22)
① Israel is helpless in Jehovah's judgment (13-14)
② Specific Judgment Situation (15-16) ③ Purification through Judgment (17-22)
Highlights of this paragraph
⑴ Contents of judgment (13-15)
God gives special punishment to Judah for worshiping idols and committing injustice. Judah is likened to 'bronze' as an iron-faced skin that knows no shame, and is likened to 'tin' in that it disguises godliness on the outside while being full of unrighteousness. It is also described as ‘iron’ because it is cruel and warlike, and ‘lead’ because of its weak will and weakness. This proud and tyrannical Judah will eventually be judged by Babylon.
(2) Purpose of judgment (16)
The ultimate reason for God's judgment is to reveal Himself. In particular, an early judgment is executed because the people have forgotten the Lord and are in idolatry and disobedience. God wants to purify his defiled appearance to a sanctified state by refining his people through the Gentiles. God executes discipline for the purpose of love in order to guide the saints in a better direction. By experiencing punishment for evil and praise for good, believers learn God's justice and His deep love, and have confidence in a faithful life.
3. Objects of Judgment (23-31)
① Religious leaders pointed out sins (23-28)
② Describe the fallen life of the people (29-31)
The content of this paragraph is
(1) The sins of the leaders are due to the lack of Jehovah's word and human greed. Ezekiel shows this in more detail.
Prophet - Arbitrary Revelation
Priest - Violation of Jehovah's Law
Prince - Rescue the tooth of injustice
(2) The fundamental evil of the people of Israel is the willful rejection of the law. The people oppressed the poor and the Gentiles, blindly following the wrong example of their leaders. If the leaders fall like this, all the people will get sick in an instant, and soon they will be brought to the judgment of God.