Title The Spiritual Man/James 1:19-27
Content Spiritual person/James 1:19-27
The Apostle Paul divided people into three categories. The first is the natural person, which means the non-believer without the Holy Spirit. Second, carnal Christians refer to the worldly people of God like Lot in Sodom. The third is a spiritual person who lives according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Abraham, the man of faith, and those filled with the Holy Spirit are all spiritual people. James emphasizes in the text three responsibilities that spiritual people have for the Word of God.
First, spiritual people receive the Word well (verse 21). In verse 21, James commands us to receive the word planted in our hearts. Just as a seed planted in good soil bears 30, 60, 100 times of fruit, if you accept the Word with a heart like the soil, you will bear much fruit. The fruit of evangelism (Romans 1:16) The fruit of salvation (Romans 15:26) The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) The fruit of good deeds (Colossians 1:10) The fruit of praise (Hebrews 13:15) there will be
In order for the seed of the Word to be planted in the field of our hearts and bear much fruit, we must first hear it promptly. Everyone should be quick to listen. Because faith comes from hearing the Word. Again, you have to be slow to work. Those who are slow to anger receive grace from the Word (sermon). Finally, you must have a prepared mind. Just as a farmer removes weeds from a field, we must remove dirt and evil from the field of our hearts.
Second, the spiritual person puts into practice the Word (verses 22 and 25). There is a saying that the Bible is not a book to be read, but a book to kneel and obey. When we obey the Word, we come to know God's will, mature spiritually, and receive blessings in what we do. Verse 23 compares the Word to a mirror. Like looking in a mirror, it is to practice what has been shown to us through the Word.
James suggests two actions for a spiritual person to practice. I encourage you to practice love and live a sanctified life. James tells him to keep himself unspotted from the world. This means to put into practice the words, “Be holy because I am holy.”
Third, the spiritual person shares the Word with others (verse 26). The word “bridled” in verse 26 is used to control or control animals. An ungagged wild horse runs wild, but a gagged horse makes a good livestock that obeys its master's control. The spiritual man puts his tongue under the Lord's control to make it worthy of the Lord's use. A spiritual person must establish the present that has fallen and correct the wrong posture by sharing the Word of God. Like the Thessalonians, we must become people who bear the fruits of evangelism by sharing the word we have received with non-believers.