Title The Temptation of Jesus (May 25, 2008)
Date: May 25, 2008
Word: Matthew 4:1-11
Title: Temptation of Jesus
Contents :
There are many tests in the Bible, but if you look at the typical tests, there are Abraham's test and Jesus' test.
Abraham's test is a test that must be put into practice according to God's word. As Abraham kept the command to go to Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey, he became the father of faith and became the source of blessings. As the commandment to offer your son Isaac was given, you received the true ear of grain as a gift and received God's approval.
The temptation of Jesus must be overcome in temptation, and Jesus received the temptation that we should not avoid as the representative.
Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
Perhaps it is a case of Job's test. God also gave Job to Satan's temptation. To be led by the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit testifying that He is the Son of God. Jesus went into the wilderness just like a child entering school is led to school by the mother's hand. Most people are tempted by their own greed and delusions.
The characteristic of Jesus' temptation is the moment of absolute despair.
After fasting for 40 days and nights, he became hungry. In biblical literature, the number 40 is seen as punishment and suffering, patience and fulfillment, the maximum of human limitations, or God's preparation period. In particular, 40 has a deep connection with Israel's history.
In the wilderness The wilderness is also closely related to the activity of demons in biblical literature or training and refinement.
Jesus' three temptations
Let the stones become loaves of bread
This is the problem of bread, that is, the problem of living and eating, among the most basic food, clothing and shelter in life. Saints! The world is like a wilderness. Even if there are difficult and difficult things that threaten even our lives, even if the moment of absolute extinction comes, let us pray that we will learn Jesus and overcome temptation. The way he defeated them was the saying, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by the word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
Take me to the holy city and jump from the top of the temple
The devil fasted for 40 days, so he, exhausted from hunger, forcibly dragged Jesus to the top of the temple. It is like the high priest in the court of Pilate or the officials of Rome. Like Job, Jesus was put under the power of Satan to be tempted.
Go to the highest mountain, show the kingdom of heaven and its glory, and bow down and worship
You can see that the devil is in front of Jesus, but he is not afraid to do unimaginable and speculative things.