Title There is still a lot to do
Hymn: 402 "With the sound of the marching trumpet"
Confession of Faith: Apostles' Creed
Meditation: Do you feel late? But did you know that you still have something to share?
Text: “You said to divide the land into the nine tribes and the half tribe of Manasseh for an inheritance… ” (Joshua 13:7-11)
Word: “The world is wide and there is much to do.” It excites us every time we hear it. Joshua had a lot of work to do. But he has already reached old age.
Our life goes by very quickly. Youth and beauty pass quickly. But we have something to remember.
'I'm old and circumstances don't follow me.' 'I don't know what.' 'I can't do it because I don't have money.'
The idea that ‘we still have a lot of work to do and a mission’ can help us live a successful life.
God told Joshua in a very specific way that he still had a lot of work to do in his old age. “I will drive them out before the children of Israel… ” (verse 6)
God tells Joshua that he is old and weak, but with you, he can do as many things as when he was young. Even when we are old, if God is with us, we can do as many things as when we were young. If we believe in this, God will give us strength, wisdom, and grace, and we will achieve it.
God asked Joshua to share in his old age. That was his mission. God had given Joshua to distribute to the twelve tribes.
God also requires us to share. Our problem is that we can't share. Our ways are erroneous because of our selfish thoughts. God delights in what we share.
We need to share the gospel with all the peoples of the world and share the things God has given us with our poor and dying neighbors. So, we should pray, “God, if you give, I will give you.”
God has given me something to share. Let's live today by sharing what God has given us with our neighbors. So, I hope to live as the protagonist of a life where the miracle of sharing happens.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for all you have done for me. Give me the things you have given me, but give me the grip to share with those in need. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Lord's Prayer