Title Untitled (1 Timothy 3)
Hanbit Church started on October 9, 1988 with the current five elder families and 16 members.
On October 12, the first worship service was held on the 2nd floor of the main building, 50 pyeong.
And on October 23, about 60 saints gathered and held the founding service, which led to today.
The current Hanbit Church is with 230 baptized members, kindergarten, elementary school, middle and high school, and the 1st and 2nd youth.
We are worshiping in grace and love with about 300 members as 9 committees and 9 evangelism groups.
Our Hanbit Church joined the Eastern Pyongyang Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Korea (joint) in January 1991, and
They are growing into a healthy church while receiving faith guidance.
During the reign of King Solomon, the temple in Jerusalem was built for seven years, and the walls were covered with gold,
Even after worship, God abandoned the temple.
Why? At that time, church leaders colluded with politics to use the church as a means of expanding their power.
They used bribes to make their own people, and to satisfy their greed with the people.
It is because he threw away the love of the saints as if he had devoted himself to them.
Therefore, the relationship between the church and the leader has the greatest influence on the lives of all believers.
If the leader lives with perfect faith and understands and loves with grace, the whole church will be at peace.
When a leader is arrogant, engages in injustice, and greedy for self-interest, the church will experience uncontrollable chaos and
run into danger and crisis.
Therefore, raising elders who are the leaders of the church has a very important influence on the future work of the church.
Because we have it, we must build it up in God's will and grace while we pray.
According to the Constitutional Politics Chapter 5 of the Presbyterian Church of Korea, the qualifications of an elder, '1) Examine the spiritual relationship of the church and
2) Prevent misunderstanding and moral corruption. 3) Visiting alumni to comfort, teach, and nurse 4) Church members
are recording
You must be able to keep the place of prayer for serving the church members.
"I exhort the elders among you... to do it voluntarily, according to the will of God...
Do it in a cheerful spirit…not in a claimant attitude, but be an example to the flock” (1 Peter 5:1-3).
Therefore, when the church raises elders, it should not place its viewpoint on material things or on worldly experience and age.
'How much do you care and love the church?' 'How happy and joyful you are to serve the saints.'
And we have to focus on 'how humble you are to show the example of your faith'.
The larger the bowl, the deeper it should be.
The Bible we read today summarizes the four qualities of an elder.
1. We must long for good works (1 Timothy 3:1).
Elders must devote themselves to the peace of the church and serve
You must be able to sit on the chair, and for the glory of God, you must
You must also be able to forgo the benefits that come.
2. Everything must be blameless (1 Peter 3:2).
Elders rule their families well with faith, love their neighbors as themselves, and give their children to the descendants of the church’s faith.
They should be examples of faith and have leadership skills to teach them well.
3. Take good care of yourself.
Elders should let go of excessive greed and set an example in understanding, loving, and tolerating one another.
Above all, you must be able to give yourself to the church and the saints rather than your own benefit and satisfaction.
4. We must also obtain good evidence from outsiders.
An elder must not be too proud to condemn others, and for any reason must not slander, slander, or
Don't be jealous, jealous, or resentful.
Rather, by giving praise, consolation, encouragement, and giving of oneself to love,
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