Title Until Salvation Takes Place
God gave His only begotten Son into the world to fulfill His boundless love so that all people might have eternal life from destruction.
This love is the love of God, which He has given to everyone in the world. Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, took away all the sins of the world according to the will of the Father, who sent Himself to the world by dying on the cross. There is no sin left in the world now. Therefore, there is no sin in the faith that believes in it. This is because God destroyed all the sinful bodies of the world along with the body of Jesus. If one died for all, then all are dead.
Only those who did not die with Jesus, who did not believe in this reality, remain only the illusions of sin. Because faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen, those who believe have died with Christ Jesus, so the substance of faith that no longer commits sins is realized.
If the saved person sins again, it is because they are not in the law of faith, but are still in the law of illusion. It is a violation of the real law by reestablishing an imaginary law that was broken with Christ. In the law of faith, there can no longer be false sins. Therefore, from now on, sin is no longer believing.
Therefore, the law dead to sin is the law of faith. If you do not run according to this law, you cannot receive the prize of eternal life in the kingdom of God. The law of faith is the law of the Spirit of life.
Therefore, those who have the law of faith not only do not sin, but also do not sin because the seed of God is in them. Because the law of the Spirit of life has set this man free from the law of sin and death. In those who are saved, there is the law of the Spirit of life.
The salvation of those who say they are saved but do not have the law of the Spirit of life is a lie. Those who are saved are those who are born again from above, so they no longer belong to the world. This is because the first born from below dies with Jesus and lives as the second born from above. Therefore, the first person is from below and the second person is from above.
Those who have the law of the Spirit of life in their hearts believe in their hearts, resulting in righteousness. It is also confessed with the mouth, resulting in salvation. These are people who do not bind up their salvation but work out their salvation with fear and trembling in the Holy Spirit.
God gave Christ to all people so that all people might be made in the image of Christ. However, many people just sit down, eat, get up and play, rejoicing that they have received only redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Those who have been saved from their sins deserve to rejoice, but Christ was given to all people so that they may be reconstituted in the image of Christ through the salvation they have received so that they may all share in the joy of the eternal Master. This is like the parable of the talents. Even though he received one talent, there was no other like him. He is like a person who has received ten thousand talents of forgiveness but does not have the same kind of mercy as one hundred denarii. They cannot have the reward of eternal life. This is because there is only salvation received and there is no salvation to be accomplished.
Therefore, the end of faith, that is, the salvation of the soul, is not singular. It is done in plural. That is why he said that it is the great secret that a man leaves his parents and the two become one flesh.
If there is only “by faith” and there is no “in faith”, it is as if there is only a beginning and no end, and that faith will eventually shipwreck. So, in the gospel, the righteousness of God is revealed and leads from faith to faith, but he testified that my righteous one should live by faith.
Therefore, the salvation that God achieves is different from the salvation that man seeks to achieve. The salvation that God achieves is salvation that leads to joy between God and man, and the salvation that man seeks to achieve is a vain salvation that seeks to achieve only his own pleasure.
Many people do not know that salvation is accomplished by the righteousness of God, but they know that salvation is achieved through their own desires, so they continue to be unable to escape from sin and death. The reason many people who received the gospel first did not enter God's rest is because they did not obey the gospel in order to build themselves up without being reconciled to God's righteousness.
This is because from the beginning they did not deny themselves and did not take up their cross, but left themselves as they are and believed in Jesus with greed to obtain eternal life. Therefore, we must learn again from Christ what the basics of God's Word are.
Salvation is received free of charge by grace and is worked out in me according to the truth. Christ is not only full of grace, but also full of grace and truth. May this salvation be accomplished in all of us, the image of Christ. God our Father, who has accomplished this and gave us the Holy Spirit as a guarantee, has prepared eternal rest for all of us who work out this salvation. Thank you Lord.
Last but not least, Kim Yoon-goo