Title What Man Does and What God Does!
Sunday day sermon
Text: John 2:13-22
Title: What Man Does and What God Does!
No one who has fallen in the Garden of Eden can fully approach God. Therefore, in order for human beings to come before God, they must first come before God through the law sent to them, but this is not easy.
In this way the law was given to the Jews, and the spiritual law to the Christians today by the Holy Spirit. However, if you live your life of faith through the law, there are more people who break the law than those who live by the law. But the big problem is that people don't realize it.
If we only look at what is written in the Bible, when the Jews who lived a religious life under the law died, lions went to the temple in Jerusalem, slaughtered animals, and sacrificed them. In today's terms, it is the same as everyone who thinks that life is salvation by going to a chapel and worshiping no matter how Christians live their lives today.
Seeing these clumsy actions of the people of Israel, God said, “Do I take pleasure in oil like a thousand rams or ten thousand rivers of water?” He said, “I am a perfect God, and I want your heart without blemish.”
Humans who lived in darkness did not realize this great providence of God, and they went to the temple in Jerusalem unconditionally, slaughtered animals and sprinkled their blood on the altar to get their sins forgiven. Who, even the outstanding Jews, could have understood this deep will of God?
God had them slaughter animals and offer sacrifices with meat and blood, but it was only the things that God gave the Israelites as types so that they would believe in the Christ who was to come. However, for the Jews who did not realize this at all (in fact, no one but the Son of God could understand this fact), they thought that going to the temple and doing such things according to the law was the best way to serve God. will be. So they tried to make everyone righteous with it.
This is the same reason as today's Christians (spiritual people) thought that they would be saved if they unconditionally go to the chapel and worship, even after committing all sorts of ugly things in their hearts. Even today, Christians go to chapels to have the Holy Communion, celebrate the Lord's Day, and pay tithes, but in reality, they are just things given as examples so that everyone can believe in the Son of God who is to come.
For Christians, only the human spirit (original sin) was freed from sin because of the blood of Jesus, but the corrupt human heart (self-crime) still remains. However, for Christians who did not realize this fact at all (Christians cannot yet realize this fact except for the Son), they thought that it is best to believe in Jesus to go to the chapel and do such things according to the spiritual law (duty). When he died, the lion was doing his best to do such things. So, just as the Jews did before, Christians are zealous.
However, the Jews at the time of Jesus, and the Christians living under the Holy Spirit today, are blind because they do not know that the actions they are doing are only a type of the Son of God who is to come. It can be said that the Jewish process has been sufficiently proven because we have already seen such facts through the Bible.
The question is whether Christians can be reborn as children of God only through a process similar to that of Jews. If today's Christians can be reborn as God's children only through the same process as Jews did, then it is clear that bone marrow Christians will almost certainly not accept it. Just as the bone marrow members (Pharisees) who were most zealous for the law at the time of Jesus almost absolutely did not accept Jesus.
But what we must realize is that obeying the law can be done by anyone if he puts his mind to it. Of course, there are people who are bothered by this because they do not want to do this, but if they say that they will receive blessings from it or that they can go to heaven even if they do it, then those who claim to have a bit of religious zeal will show their zeal regardless of whether they are religious or not. The people who were born in this way were the Zealots in Jesus' day, or people like the Pharisees.
These days, they are bone marrow Christians who memorize only the Bible, including the belief that they lived a life of faith for their children and grandchildren. All of them quote the Bible as plausible as they say, but in reality, they only speak with their mouths, and they do not show the true life at all, and they are pitiful for the words of the Bible, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It is only taking care of one thing and saying that it is not fulfilling the responsibility required by the Bible at all.
So, in order to enlighten such people, the Son of God says, “Before you love your neighbor, love your husband who is closest to you.” However, some of them boldly say, “I am in love with my husband,” without heeding the Lord’s word. Could such a freak exist? On the inside, the husband is a foe of the iron dynasty, but on the outside, people lie that he loves him.
The Lord already knows and says everything about human beings, but if he had said that he was a sinner who could not love his husband, he would have allowed him to love him instead. A foolish person struggles to fulfill the words of the Bible with his own efforts to the end.
The Bible is a book that records the words that human beings cannot fulfill. But foolish people are struggling to make it happen. Struggling doesn't mean all is bad. But there's nothing better than struggling and realizing that it's impossible with human strength.
However, foolish people can't do it by struggling, so they roll their heads and try to achieve it with thin tricks, but there is no such foolish person. Why did God give humans a law they couldn't keep, so that everyone fell from that law? A person who thinks deeply about such a thing only once will hardly ever do something stupid.
It is the work of God who accomplishes things that are impossible for human beings to accomplish. If God is the one who accomplishes what humans can do, there is no need to send the Son of God back into this world. Therefore, no matter how good a couple or human beings are, any love that does not come from Christ is nothing but a blatant lie, no matter how much it burns one's own body.
And the indwelling of Christ in the heart of man is never a work of man's effort. If it is something that can be achieved through human effort, we should not even use the word grace. If there is anything a human can do just for Christ to become my master, there is nothing a human can do other than listen to the Lord's word, realize his sin, and confess that he is a sinner before the Lord.