Title Introduction to Acts
Contents Acts
The reason Paul went to Rome was because of a lawsuit from the Jews. Although he called him a defiler of God's temple, Paul had no sin and it was revealed that these statements were false. Rather, he opened the door for evangelism to expand the church in the West.
1 Land: litigation becomes a condition for evangelism (16-20
After Paul went to Rome and invited the high-ranking of the Jews to gather them, he said:
First: He said that he never rejected the size of his ancestors.
In reality, it was not that Paul was blaspheming or rejecting Judaism, but there was nothing except that he hoped that Judaism would understand this gospel and be blessed. Therefore, Paul spoke boldly (Romans 9:1-3).
Second: Said because of the hope of Israel.
Israel has hope because it bears witness to the cross of Christ, but to oppose this is only a wrathful thought in Paul's heart. For a nation that was expecting the Messiah to oppose the Messiah would be ruined.
2 Earth: To hear what Paul's thoughts were (21-22)
Christianity must have Paul's thought. Paul's thought was not Judaism, but the idea that all mankind in the world should become one at the center of the cross. It is an idea centered on the saying that God appeared to Abraham and that all nations will be blessed through your seed. Therefore, the thought of Judaism is self-righteous, saying that there is no salvation for Gentiles, and they know Christianity as their enemy. Therefore, it was decided that Paul was a plague heresy. However, the ideas of the entire Bible are orthodox only when they come from Paul. God established the kingdom of David to establish a world-wide religion of salvation, and it is not the idea of Christ to limit all the words of the Old Testament to fleshly Israel.
3 Earth: Proving the Kingdom of God (23)
Paul set a date and preached from morning to evening to testify to the kingdom of God, but he preached legally, exhorting the work of Jesus using the words of the Mosaic Law and the Prophets. As Rome was the capital of the great Roman Empire, the people wanted to hear legal arguments because of the high standards of the people. Therefore, great fruit was produced when Paul preached apologetics. This became the stepping stone for the global expansion of the gospel. As Christianity entered Rome, Rome became the basis for the development of Christianity.