Title John 14:1~7 Knowing God
Text: John 14:1-6 Title: I am the way, the truth, and the life
The text reads that when the disciples heard that Jesus had to leave, and when they heard that the Lord, who had guided their lives and had been their spiritual pillar, was leaving, they began to be gripped with deep sorrow. Then the Lord began the message again. He does. “Do not let your hearts be troubled, because you believe in God, and also believe in me” (verse 1).
First, we must believe that an eternal dwelling place is prepared.
We can move forward steadfastly when we are convinced that there is a marvelous place the Lord has prepared for us beyond our death. See the text John 14:2-3. If we really have faith, we will not so cling to the childish blessings of this earth. When we yearn for the eternal kingdom of God, our present life will be more resolute, freer, and more dignified. It is indeed the greatest curse that we have no tomorrow. Real victory over the future is guaranteed to those who believe that “the Lord has prepared for me an eternal dwelling place.”
Second, we must believe that Jesus is the way to the eternal dwelling place, the truth, and the life.
See verse 6 of the text. Jesus is “the bright way to heaven” and “the bright way”. The Lord who has prepared an eternal dwelling place for us declares that he is the way, the truth, and the life to that eternal dwelling place. In addition, we must believe that Jesus is our way, the truth, and the life here and now.
What should we believe now???
You must believe that Jesus prepared an eternal place for you and that Jesus is the way to heaven, the truth, and the life. And even here today, it is clear that you are the way of my life, the truth of my life, and my life.
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