Title Like Stephen (June 18, 2006)
Date: June 18, 2006
Word: Acts 7:54~60
Title: Like Stephen
Contents :
The early church in Jerusalem spreads vigorously with the disciples through the Pentecost. As sick people were healed and many Jews repented and returned, it was relatively intimidating between the Pharisees and Jewish leaders. At this point, Stephen preached the gospel ahead of them with the full grace of the Holy Spirit in a dispute about truth with many religious leaders, and they were pierced in their consciences and in anger, committing the terrible sin of stoned and killed Stephen.
Stephen was one of the first seven deacons of the Jerusalem Church.
Except for Matthias, the apostles were chosen by Jesus as they fished and worked as a tax collector at the customs office. On the other hand, the deacons of the early church were elected by the Jerusalem church. It speaks to the importance of the duties and qualifications of a deacon.
Stephen was a man filled with the Holy Spirit.
Stephen was a man who had the wisdom to see through and point out the errors and wrongdoings of the Pharisees and Jewish leaders while examining the history of Israel in an orderly manner. They saw the glory of God, saw Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of the throne, and were filled with the Holy Spirit enough to see the face of an angel.
Stephen was stoned to death.
Are the people stoned to death happy? Are you unlucky?
So, let me ask you this. Those who died for the country, those who died for justice, those who died for others, are these people happy? Are you unlucky?
Let me ask you again. Are those who died for the gospel for the Lord a happy person? Are you unlucky?
There are several people in the Bible who were stoned to death.
Achan and his family were stoned to piles of stones in the Valley of Achor because of greed and disobedience. The woman caught in adultery was stoned to death just before she was stoned to death and was resurrected by Jesus' grace and forgiveness.
But today, the woman caught in adultery and Stephen, who was caught preaching, were both arrested on the spot. Why did you leave the woman caught in adultery to die, but make her alive and let the deacon Stephen, who was caught while preaching the gospel, die? If a woman does not have the forgiveness of Jesus, she will end up unhappily, but Stephen Deacon is a blessed death because she is stoned to death while preaching the gospel of the resurrection of Jesus.
Like Stephen, we hope that we can live a truly blessed life for the gospel of Jesus.