Title Philippians 02:5-8
Content: Low and deep (Philippians 2:5-8)
The words of Philippians 2 exhort us to have the mind of Christ Jesus.
I did. So, what kind of heart is the heart of Christ Jesus? verse 7
Verse 8 says, A self-emptying spirit, a servant spirit, a humble and submissive
I said mind. The heart of Christ Jesus that we should embrace
heart. On the other hand, a high heart that is not the heart of Christ Jesus wants to be exalted.
heart. So, how much is the standard for judging how spiritual we are?
It depends on whether you live with a humble heart. According to the Bible, Satan
Originally an angel. Because the angel who served God wanted to be exalted,
He said he fell from his seat and became Satan. So our hearts
When you have a proud heart that wants to be exalted, you are closer to Satan and toward Christ.
goes away And when you cherish humility to humble yourself, turn toward Christ.
It gets closer and away from Satan. And in Genesis 11, God
There are words about where the lost human history is going.
It was to build the Tower of Babel and reach to heaven. so what era
The people who do not have Ena are constantly exalted and exalted to heaven,
We are doing the work of exalting ourselves to the place of God. Then in the end
will fall to the floor. However, the work of salvation through Christ
It is a history of lowering and lowering. To be humbled so much until death on the cross
It is a history of decline. He was humbled until he died on the cross, and in the end, the work of resurrection
will get it done. The history of salvation deepens in such humbleness.
The road to the low is the road to the deep. The world of faith is the world of the spirit.
The spirit world is a world of depth. Our souls can't go deep
You cannot meet the living God. We have an example in Luke 5
You can find it. Before becoming a disciple of Jesus, Peter cast his net into the sea.
There was. He cast his net all night long, but it was in vain and nothing
Couldn't catch it. Then I met Jesus, who said to him
You said.
“When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,
Go into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4).
When Peter followed Jesus and cast his net into the deep, the net was full.
I could catch fish. This is the practice we must choose today.