Title Results of Justification/Romans 5
Result of content justification
Romans 5
1. The certainty of redemption from justification (1-11)
① Blessings that Christians enjoy
(1) Peace with God
Believers who are justified through faith in Jesus are reconciled to God and enjoy peace.
This is not a matter of simple feelings, but the peace that comes from trusting in the Absolute.
The peace that comes from the joy of salvation, free from the fear and anxiety caused by sin.
(2) Entering into grace
Worship God and receive guidance.
② Christian attitude toward tribulation
The lives of the saved saints should be enjoyed in hope while looking forward to the future glory. In particular, we must overcome the afflictions of living for Christ with joy, because we have hope. The end of tribulation is hope.
③ New Life (6-11)
As a result of justification, we became a new life that received the love of God.
Jesus' love, blood, - salvation - rejoice
2. The Old Man and the New Man (12-21)
Adam and Christ
① History of the Fall of Man
Where did sin come from?
It came from the first man, Adam. Through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin. Death as a result of one man's transgression would come to all without exception. Adam was the first human being, and at the same time, he was created as a representative of all things in the universe.
Adam is a symbol of the one to come. Just as Adam sinned and death entered all mankind, so the way to save all mankind will be opened through Christ.
② Law and sin
Before the law, sin existed in the world, but was not condemned. But even before the law, death reigned supreme, indicating that there was sin. In other words, the reality of sin always dominates human beings.
③ The New Age of Christ
Just as sin and death dominated mankind because of Adam, so the last Adam was freed from sin and death through Jesus Christ. The problem that could not be solved in the history of all mankind was completely solved through Christ.
One man - disobedience - sin - death reigns
One person - obedience - life (eternal life) - reigning through grace and righteousness