study bible(sermons for preaching)
Bible Commentaries
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Sunday school Education
Please pray.
Fraud occurred in the South Korean election, but the government is not investigating. Pray that the government will investigate and punish those who cheated.
Urgent Prayer: The president of South Korea is trying to uncover fraudulent elections. Members of the opposition National Assembly, who were elected in a fraudulent election, want to impeach the president. Pray that the president of South Korea will not be impeached. The forces behind the fraudulent election are from the Chinese Communist Party, North Korea, and the Communist Party in South Korea. Pray that those responsible for the election fraud will be found and punished. Pray that there will be no bloodshed in South Korea. Pray that Satan and the evil spirits controlling them will be bound.

Sermons for Preaching

Title Song Gu-Young-Shin Worship (2003.12.31-2004.1.1)


Learn about Korean and Chinese women and food.

There are about 1.3 billion men in China. A man sees the market, cooks food, and does housework.

Chinese men want to marry Korean women. In Korea, women do everything

Korean men have received God's grace. There is grace in God's legal faith.

It is a blessing to have a good ancestor

1. make new

The Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen. He is an internationalized person from some descent.

The early church was called the Pauline Church. If you look at his appearance, he is short, well-balanced, and has a bottle.

He lived and was impatient. Made a faction with Barnabas. But by telling

I became a disciple of the Lord who leads many to salvation. I am ignorant

We must repent of our regrets and wrongdoings, cast off our old habits, and throw away the old things. 2003 is useless

is existence

90% of those who took the SAT regret it. Becoming God's people, regardless of my will

It is entirely by God's grace. Westerners love dogs. You can even pass a legacy to your dog.

Dogs never betray their owners. Even if the owner perishes or falls, he does not betray

All. We humans also need to realize the grace of God right away. Otherwise, not even a dog

could be human

2. You must have a vision.

It is a statistic surveyed in the past. 64% have no vision, 30% have a vision, and 3% have a clear vision

It is said that there is Bill Gates is said to have earned $43 billion. In the future, the PC will be in every household.

There was a forward-looking vision that it would be placed on the desk. 190 million units in 2002

In 2003, 15.79 million computers were sold. A person who has a vision and has a vision.

Because God's grace was on Bill Gates.

Ephesians 2:7 God planned and created man with a clear purpose. through 2003

I want you to feel what purpose God created you for.

Individuals do not perish because they have a vision.

The vision satisfies the heart, body, and soul. We are God's followers.

Faith that has hope in heaven and a vision on earth and puts it into practice. May you live with a living faith

I want

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This is Sermons for preaching. This will be of help to your preaching. These sermons consist of public domain sermons and bible commentaries. It is composed of Bible chapters. So it will help you to make your preaching easier. This is sermons(study Bible) for preaching.