Title Successor Joshua/Numbers 27:1-23
Contents Hymn of the Week: Chapter 352 September 17, 1995
Main text: Num 27:1-23 Youngjin Church dawn
Title: Successor Joshua 27 .hwp the
1. God's Inheritance Law (1-11)
No matter what we do, if we want to receive praise and reward from God, we must
You must completely ignore it and follow His will entirely. No matter how well you work, great achievements
Even if left behind, those who do not follow God's will and act arbitrarily will not receive praise.
God has promised our believers a wonderful inheritance. it is the glory of Christ
is a company
(Romans 8:17) If children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, we
We must suffer together in order to be glorified together.
2. Moses' supplication (12-17)
We often see Moses praying before God in his ministry.
The characteristics of the Tao were that it was an earnest prayer or supplication, that it was thoroughly altruistic, and that it was humble.
that he was obedient.
A good prayer, a powerful prayer, a working prayer is not a prayer that lists good words, but Moses
The earnest prayers shown are unselfish prayers, humility and obedience prayers.
3. Hugeza Joshua (18-23)
Although times and people change, God's work does not stop. Although religiously
Even during the dark ages, God continued His work and fulfilled His will.
1) Not because we want God's workers on our own, but by God's choice to become those workers.
We call this a calling, and every Christian is called by the Lord.
(John 15:16) You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you.
2) Impressed by the Spirit of God
God's servants are moved by the Spirit of God.
When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the saints can fulfill the mission of the saints and the missionaries can carry out their mission.
Prayer / Main Day: For Pastors and Saints
For pastors and teachers to preach
For today's bible memorization contest