Title The best meeting (2005.1.30)
Date: January 30, 2005
Word: John 1:35-42
Title: Best Encounter
Contents :
It is said that people have three important encounters in their lifetime.
The first is a meeting with parents and siblings who meet completely unrelated to their own doctor.
The second is a meeting with a spouse who will be with you for the rest of your life.
The third encounter is with Jesus, the Savior who determines our eternal life and death.
1. Meeting Jesus is a blessing.
Meeting rich people and powerful people is not a blessing.
Meeting Jesus is a blessing. You will have God the Creator as your Father. receive forgiveness of sins. He said that if you ask anything in his name, he will hear it.
No matter how lucky you are in this world, you will never be able to meet Jesus.
2. Meeting Jesus is a change.
Saul also became Paul.
Onesimus the thief turned into the saint Onesimus.
John the Baptist, his disciples, and Peter had the greatest experience of their life when they met Jesus. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were fishermen, but when they met Jesus, their lives became the best. Immediately, he left everything he had and followed Jesus.
In this way, an encounter with Jesus is the best encounter that will completely change a person's life.
The moment we meet our eternal Bridegroom and Savior Jesus is the greatest joy in life. We were children of wrath by nature, but through our encounter with Jesus Christ, we become children of God. What has changed since you met Jesus?
I have changed my identity.
Hope has changed.
Verification of speech and behavior has changed.
3. Meeting Jesus is joy and joy.
John the Baptist, Nathanael, the Samaritan woman,
David said when the ark came
You have many problems if you do not have the joy of believing in Jesus.
4. Meeting Jesus is the way to eternal life.
There is nothing in the world that can give you eternal life.