study bible(sermons for preaching)
Bible Commentaries
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Sunday school Education
Please pray.
Fraud occurred in the South Korean election, but the government is not investigating. Pray that the government will investigate and punish those who cheated.
Urgent Prayer: The president of South Korea is trying to uncover fraudulent elections. Members of the opposition National Assembly, who were elected in a fraudulent election, want to impeach the president. Pray that the president of South Korea will not be impeached. The forces behind the fraudulent election are from the Chinese Communist Party, North Korea, and the Communist Party in South Korea. Pray that those responsible for the election fraud will be found and punished. Pray that there will be no bloodshed in South Korea. Pray that Satan and the evil spirits controlling them will be bound.

Sermons for Preaching

Title The Bible

Content br> It is a special privilege for me to preach the Word of God this evening. Im

thankful to God for calling me to study his Word and to live according to his

Word and help others do the same. Whenever I get a chance to preach, Im

reminded of the fact that Im not here to talk about my opinion. I really have

nothing to offer. Im not here to talk about my experiences or my own thoughts.

What I think about doesnt mean anything because what I think is subjective and

indefinite. What we need is something absolute. Something we can cling to.

Something objective, sure. And these things can only be found in the Word of

God. Gods Word is truth and truth is absolute. And because its absolute, it is

exclusive. The Bible alone is true and theres nothing else. And this is what I

want to talk about tonight.

How do we know what we know?

We know that God is three persons in one essence. We know that God created

the world. We know that Jesus Christ came to seek and save the lost. we know

that Jesus Christ died for sinners to pay for their penalty. We know that we are

saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. How do we know all these things?

Where do we get the idea? We know these doctrines because they are taught in

the Bible. We believe these things because the Bible says so. The only way we

can know the truth is by studying the Bible, which is the Word of God.


In the given amount of time, we can only touch upon a few things about the

Bible. And to look at some of these points, lets turn to 2 Tim 3:16-17. Here is

the fact that there will be difficult times. vv. 13, 14.

All Scripture

Here is a clear explanation of what the Word of God is. Paul says, All

Scripture is inspired by God Paul is referring to the whole Scripture. The

whole scripturesthe narratives, such as Genesis, the law, Leviticus, history, Kings

and Chronicles, Poetry Psalms, Prophetic books, such as the book of Amos. All

the books of the Bible is what Paul is talking about. Liberal scholars say that

the Bible is not the Word of God but that it contains the Word of God. But

Paul does not say that the Scripture contains the Word of God. He says that the

Scripture is the Word of God.


These liberals also believe that the Bible has errors since human beings wrote it.

They say that since humans are not perfect, they have made mistakes and God

has allowed it. But Paul clearly says that the Bible is inspired by God. That

God is the author and the Bible is his very words. It is true that human beings

can make mistakes. But the text does not say that the writers were inspired but

the Scripture was inspired. The Bible is literally, God-breathed. It came out of

God. Jesus said in Matt 5:18, For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth

pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is

accomplished. Every word and every letter is inspired by God and they will all

come to pass.

The writers were superintended by the Holy Spirit to record an infallible,

inerrant Word of God. These were not human words. These were Gods words. 2

Peter 1:21 says, For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but

men moved by the HS spoke from God. The Bible originates from God. These

words are Gods Words.

K. S. Kantzer defines inpiration this way, Biblical inspiration [is the] . . . work of the Holy

Spirit by which, without setting aside their personalities and literary or human faculties, God so

guided the authors of Scripture as to enable them to write exactly the words which convey His

truth to men, and in doing so preserved their judgments from error in the original manuscripts.


This inspired Word of God is described with one wordGods Word is profitable,

or useful. The Scripture was useful in the time of Paul and it is useful in our

time. Some people say that the Bible is no longer applicable and it is out of

date. They say that we live in a different culture today. We live in a

computerized society and things have changed from the time of Paul so it is no

longer useful. But when Paul says to Timothy, Scriptures he is writing in the

first century AD referring to books like Genesis that dates back to 2000 BC.

Things were radically different then compared to the time of Moses. But Paul

still declares that the Word of God is useful.

Isa 40:8 says this, the grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our

God stands forever. And Jesus said in Matt 24:35, heaven and earth will pass

away, but my words shall not pass away.

The bible is not limited to a specific era or culture. The Bible is eternal, it lasts

forever. It applies to all men everywhere at all times.

Profitable for teaching

Then Paul specifically mentions four things that the bible is useful forteaching,

proof, correcting, and training. Lets take the first one. The Bible is useful for

teaching, which means to instruct or to inform. When Paul commands us to

renew our minds in Romans 12:2 he is talking about changing our thoughts and

thinking patterns to be like Gods. In order for us to think like God, theres only

one way. We must learn how God thinks. Where do we learn how God thinks?

We learn from the Bible. It tells us what God thinks about sin, about man,

about salvation. If we want to have a mind of God, we must study the Bible.

Profitable for reproof

Second, the bible is useful for reproof. Reproof means to convict or to rebuke.

In other words, the bible rebukes us when our deeds are evil. Though rebuking

is what the Word of God does, it is a concept nowhere to be found in the life

of the church today. The concept of rebuking is not only never practiced but

condemned as sinful. The church has abandoned the biblical command to rebuke

and have called it legalism. Rebuking is thought to be harsh, and unnecessary. It

seems as if the church is always scared about what the world thinks about the

church. Were often afraid that when we expose someones sin, the world will

think that the church is attacking ones privacy. People will have negative

opinions about church and no one will attend its services. If we practice church

discipline, we will empty out the church! So the church is more concerned

about appealing to men rather than appealing to God.

But however man may think, it is clearly stated that rebuking is what the Word

of God does. In order for holiness to be maintained in church, there has to be

rebuking. Sin cannot be tolerated. Sin must be pointed out and abandoned. Paul

commands Timothy in chapter 4 verse 2, Preach the word; be ready in season

and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

One of the main reasons why the church looks like the world is because we

have embraced sin and called it love. If we want Gods will to be done, if we

truly believe that the Bible is the Word of God, we must welcome its revuke in

our lives.

Correcting and training

The Bible not only rebukes but it also corrects. It not only tells us what not to

do but also what to do. It doesnt just leave us with the things that we cant do

but it directs our life. Then as we continue to go through the process of change

through the sanctifying work of the Bible, we will be trained in Gods


The Word of God teaches us, rebukes us, corrects us and trains us in


And all of these have a purpose. Lets look at verse 17. Paul says, that the

man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. All of these

things have a purpose. And that purpose is to be equipped for good work. The

same idea is said in Ephesians 2: 8-10. Lets turn there for a moment. We are

created in Christ Jesus for good works. The reason why we are saved is to do

good works! Thats the reason why God made us. Christ didnt die for us so we

could just live a happy life. He died for Gods glory that will be shown in our

good works. We must be taught, rebuked, corrected and trained in the Bible so

we could do good works.

We can see that the bible shows us how to live as Christians. We are to do

good works and the bible enables us to do good works. Which means studying

the bible is not an option but a necessity. 2 Timothy 2:15 says, Do your best

to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to

be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of truth. We are all servants

of God and thus all of us are to present ourselves as one approved to God.

And to be approved, we must be able to correctly handle the Bible.

The bible is the Word of God that is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting

and training in impartiality. God has given us his word so that we may live a

holy life for the sake of his glory. Gods word will teach us to think like God.

Gods word will rebuke us in our sinfulness. Gods Word will correct and direct

us to the right path. And Gods Word will train us to do good works. Gods

word does the work of sanctification to those who believe. May we study and

live in obedience to the Bible.

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This is Sermons for preaching. This will be of help to your preaching. These sermons consist of public domain sermons and bible commentaries. It is composed of Bible chapters. So it will help you to make your preaching easier. This is sermons(study Bible) for preaching.