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Please pray.
Fraud occurred in the South Korean election, but the government is not investigating. Pray that the government will investigate and punish those who cheated. Urgent Prayer: The president of South Korea is trying to uncover fraudulent elections. Members of the opposition National Assembly, who were elected in a fraudulent election, want to impeach the president. Pray that the president of South Korea will not be impeached.
The forces behind the fraudulent election are from the Chinese Communist Party, North Korea, and the Communist Party in South Korea. Pray that those responsible for the election fraud will be found and punished.
Pray that there will be no bloodshed in South Korea.
Pray that Satan and the evil spirits controlling them will be bound.
Sermons for Preaching
Title The Endless Search for Wisdom / Proverbs 24
The endless quest for content wisdom
Proverbs 24
1. Always be armed spiritually (1-22)
① The meaning of wisdom given to the people (1-12)
(1) Do not envy the prosperity of the wicked (1-2)
(2) Build and decorate a house with wisdom (3-4)
⑶ Victory in life depends on wisdom (5-7)
⑷ Do not do evil, and put away foolishness and arrogance (8-9).
⑸ Overcome the day of tribulation with faith (10)
⑹ Live a life of love (11-12)
② Attitude to engage in spiritual warfare with the wicked (13-22)
⑴ Importance of God's Word (13-14)
Wisdom is like honey and clusters of honey, good for my soul. whoever finds wisdom
There is a future, and hope will never cease. Therefore, one who acquires wisdom must be
(2) Do not defeat the righteous (15-16)
Because in the end the righteous triumph and the wicked perish.
⑶ Do not hate (17-18). Even if your enemies suffer, do not rejoice.
Can not be done. For he fears that God will transfer his wrath upon him.
⑷ Do not envy evildoers (19-20), because in the end there is no future,
Because it is a lamp.
⑸ Be wise who fear the LORD and the king (21-22)
2. Pursue a life with no regrets (23-34)
① Wise judgment in the life of the wise (23-29)
(1) Execution of a righteous judgment (23-25)
(2) Honest answer (26)
⑶ Preparedness (27)
⑷ Prohibition of false testimony (28)
⑸ General warning about revenge (29)
② Alert on laziness (30-34)
The warning against the lazy is in Proverbs thirteen times, where the lazy is 'without wisdom.
is a person' is said. Because the lazy man neglects his work,
Because it is insensitive to the final result. A lazy person is suddenly in need
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