Title The First Disciples/John 1:35-42
Contents First Disciples/John 1:35-42
“And the next day John was standing with two of his disciples… ” (John 1:35-42)
Verse: In today's sermon, the first three disciples of Jesus are mentioned. Andrew, Peter, and John. Although John does not give his name, theologians see John and Andrew as disciples of John the Baptist and followers of Jesus. Andrew and John were originally disciples of John the Baptist, but after hearing the testimony, “Behold, the Lamb of God,” they follow Jesus.
From a human point of view, the disciples who left John the Baptist seem cold-hearted, but John the Baptist fulfilled his mission well. His mission is there. leading to Jesus. John the Baptist's testimony was true and sincere, and his disciples did not just look at John the Baptist's finger, but followed that direction to reach Jesus.
When they came to Jesus, the Lord asked, “What are you looking for?” What did the two disciples want when they came to Jesus? God always asks us about it.
The disciples asked, “Where do you live?” This means wanting to be with you, wanting to become a disciple. Because at that time the disciple ate and slept with the master. Jesus answered briefly, “Come and see.” To get to know him, you must go to his house. Judging from what Jesus said, “Foxes have dens, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” (Matthew 8:20), Jesus was almost homeless. In order to become intimate with Jesus, we must live together. A disciple is a person who shares everything with the master. “I want to live with Jesus.” This should be our confession.
As they live with Jesus, their awareness of Jesus deepens. After hearing the testimony of John the Baptist at a ‘a certain carpenter’, he calls himself ‘Rabbi’ (verse 38), and eventually confesses that he is the ‘Messiah’ (verse 41). Upon reaching this realization, they go to their brothers and begin to preach. Andrew evangelizes Peter and John evangelizes James. John and Andrew were highly spiritually interested and determined people.
Before Jesus began His work, He created people first. Because people are more important than work. God's work begins with building up people. The church should take the lead in building up people.