study bible(sermons for preaching)
Bible Commentaries
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Sunday school Education
Please pray.
Fraud occurred in the South Korean election, but the government is not investigating. Pray that the government will investigate and punish those who cheated.
Urgent Prayer: The president of South Korea is trying to uncover fraudulent elections. Members of the opposition National Assembly, who were elected in a fraudulent election, want to impeach the president. Pray that the president of South Korea will not be impeached. The forces behind the fraudulent election are from the Chinese Communist Party, North Korea, and the Communist Party in South Korea. Pray that those responsible for the election fraud will be found and punished. Pray that there will be no bloodshed in South Korea. Pray that Satan and the evil spirits controlling them will be bound.

Sermons for Preaching

Title The Greatest Commandment/Matthew 22:37-40

Contents The greatest commandment / Matthew 22:37-40

“Jesus said to them, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. It is the Spirit” (Matthew 22:37-40).

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, there were many arguments. Today's text is one of those pleadings. A lawyer asks Jesus to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” At this point, Jesus says “love”.

First, the greatest commandment is to love God. how to love The text means that we must love and serve God as a whole. God originally made us in His image. We are God's own because we were created by God. But the purpose of God's creation was to have a relationship of love with us. Therefore, man's love for God is the highest priority and is also a privilege. The most human quality of a person is a life of loving God.

However, human beings who have sinned and fallen cannot love God and live. Because sin separates man from God. But a loving God does not give up his love for us. So, through Jesus, He provided a way to love God again and live. That is the cross.

Second, the greatest commandment is to love God through love of neighbor. There is a misunderstanding here. It is the difference between loving God and loving our neighbor. no. Love is one. It is to love only God.

That is, we love God by loving our neighbor as God loves us. To love your neighbor is to love God. So it means that the teaching of the great commandment of Jesus is to love God through love of neighbor. It is like two arms in the commandment of God's love. Love of God, love of neighbor.

Saints! If we are God's people who have restored our relationship with Him, we have an infinite responsibility for our Lord's greatest commandment, love. Love the God who loved me. Love God by loving your neighbor.

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This is Sermons for preaching. This will be of help to your preaching. These sermons consist of public domain sermons and bible commentaries. It is composed of Bible chapters. So it will help you to make your preaching easier. This is sermons(study Bible) for preaching.