Title The King of Kings (2004.04.04)
Date: April 4, 2004
Word: John 18:33-38
Title: King of Kings
Contents :
Jesus' suffering begins today and continues through Friday.
This week is called Passion Week, and today is called Passion Sunday or Palm Sunday.
1. Pilate's Question "Are you the King of the Jews?"
The Roman governor Pilate interrogated the prisoner Jesus who had been brought before him.
"Are you the king of the Jews?" To that question, Jesus answered without any fear or embarrassment. "You are right. As you say, I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world. But my kingdom is not of this."
2. Jesus Christ's answer, "I am the king"
Jesus' answer to Pilate's question was clear.
“As you said, I am the king” (37). However, I answered this in two ways.
The first answer is that he is the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:11).
"Jesus answered that he was the King of the Jews, that is, the King of the Messianic Kingdom that the Jews had been waiting for for a long time. On the cross on which Jesus was crucified, a plaque was affixed with the words "King of the Jews."
The second answer is that he will not only be King of the Jews, but he will also be King of an eternal kingdom that transcends time and space. “My kingdom is not of this world, and my kingdom is not of this” (John 18:36,37).
3. The confession of the saints "The Lord is my King"
Now let me give you my conclusion. Our attitude toward the king is the problem.
The question is whether to acknowledge and confess that Jesus is my King.
Our destiny depends on whether we kneel before the king or not.
Pilate did not kneel before the king even though he was told that he was a king.
Instead, they whipped Jesus and handed him over to be crucified.
Let's take a look at how clearly and strongly we acknowledge and confess the Lord our King today, and how we live in the world.
If we exalt the Lord who is King, the Lord will also exalt us, and then we will reign with the Lord forever.
Let us live while professing Jesus as the King of kings and Lord of lords.