Title The laver (Ex 30:18-20)
Contents 1. Materials
① Read Exodus 38:8, and the base was “made of bronze”
②Bronze silver - symbolizes Jesus
③ The laver- A place to wipe hands and feet, meaning “holiness”- Only the blood of Jesus can wash away sins.
④ And it was made of the bronze mirrors of the women who served at the door of the tent of meeting.
In other words, what was for oneself was written for God, and what made the body beautiful made the spirit beautiful.
2. The contents of the laver
①Water - refers to the water and blood that Jesus shed on the cross
John 19:34 says, “One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.”
(The blood of the Lord wipes away any sin or transgression - so it sanctifies.)
3. Purpose of the laver
Sins have already been washed away on the altar of burnt offering. became a child of God. became reconciled
The punishment was forgiven. Became righteous - but sinned -
Even being born again sins. - A place where those sins are washed away.
bath foot
Two yokes of water for the tabernacle burnt offering
Repentance during the Doctrine
sin original sin person self-criminal person
number of times number of times
Psalm 119:9 With what shall a young man purify his conduct, he shall take heed according to the word of the Lord.
John 17:17 “Sanctify them by the truth, for your word is truth.”
4. The result of the laver
-Exodus 30:20-21 If you do not wash your hands and feet when entering the holy place, you will die.
-Only those who were sanctified entered.
- Blessing of the Washed
① You can climb the mountain of God.
Psalm 24:3-4, “Who is it that shall ascend on the mountain of the Lord, and who shall stand in his holy place, whose hands are clean?”
This is reminiscent of washing your hands at the laver - one must pass through the laver to qualify to go to the mountain of God.
In James 4:8, draw near to God. Then he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners. You double-minded, sanctify your heart.
- This means that only those who have washed their hands at the laver can approach it.
② You will gain the ability.
Job 17:9 says, “Therefore, the righteous walk in his way, and he who has clean hands gradually gains strength.”