Title The Life of Naomi and Ruth (2008.11.23)
Date: November 23, 2008
Word: Ruth 1:15~18
Title: The Life of Naomi and Ruth
Contents :
Everyone has a past life and a painful past. Although the characters of Joseph are similar, the lives of Naomi and Ruth are like a drama. After living a life of reversal, reversal, and reversal, she ended her life with a picture of success and a life of blessing, and came to stand as the mother of a family of glory that shines not only for herself but also for her descendants. In other words, it is a historical model in which two widows, the weakest and poorest mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the time, and two widows from different religions, countries, and cultures formed a team to build the world's most prestigious family through faith and love. Everyone!! Whose is the most prestigious family in the world? If you think about it, the life of Naomi and Ruth is interesting because they lived successes like failure.
Naomi, a Jewish woman, and Ruth, a Gentile
After 10 years of coming to a foreign land with her husband, Naomi eats everything, sends her husband and two sons ahead of her, and returns to her hometown of Bethlehem.
Ruth did not know God and lived only looking at the world, worshiping foreign gods and living in idols.
Ruth Soaked in Israel
Ephesians 5:8 says, “You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.”
Naomi and Ruth in Bethlehem
As you know, you are a person who has received the grace of God. This is the grace that God prepared and called for Ruth. Now Ruth is historically at a crossroads of choice. Even if you really want to fast for 40 days, it is difficult to make a decision. Hope is invisible as a mouse hole
By analogy
Naomi is an evangelist.
Although Naomi all failed, only faith succeeded. Naomi showed Ruth the living God. He showed us how to hold on to God in times of crisis and return to God.
Ruth is the one who received the evangelism.
Ruth, a blessed woman in her womb, saw hope and life in her failed mother. You will see the greatest and most prestigious families in the world. The two women, Naomi and Ruth, see God's hope in the midst of poverty and at the end of their misery, holding a child and blessing them.
In this way, the two women transcend poverty, nationality, culture, and suffering to form the world's most prestigious family, succeeding David and Solomon, and eventually Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, will come.