Title The One Born of God (2010.10.10)
Date: October 10, 2010
Word: 1 John 5:1-6
Title: One Born of God
Contents :
The apostle John records what kind of people are born of God and how they should live. Those born of God are now held by God in his right hand, by the Word, and by the Holy Spirit, and live as saints.
How should God's children, those born of God, live?
We must believe in Jesus Christ and love Jesus.
Moody said, "Many people's love is at the tip of the tongue, but true love is at the fingertips." Christian love does not stay still, as if sleeping only in the heart. Christian love is not limited to the tip of the tongue. Christian love is action and action. Christian love is not about crouching down in the middle of a mountain or under a waterfall and cultivating your way, but toward the Lord~! To the church~! Towards the world! is to live.
Why should we believe and love Jesus? Because we are children of God. Because God first loved me. Because God first made me a child. Because God saved me first. Because God first made me believe in Jesus.
Those born of God are those who keep the commandments of God.
There is a difference in mindset between serving because you love and being paid for. Although we cannot keep all of the more than 600 commandments in the Old Testament alone, faith in Jesus keeping all those commandments and atonement through the blood of the cross is the heart of true love for Jesus and the first commandment.
It is said that those born of God overcome the world through faith.
What can beat this world with? The only weapon that can overcome the world is faith. Those born of God believe in God as their Father, believe in Jesus as their Savior, and rely on the Holy Spirit to overcome the world. Overcome sin. Even Satan overcomes. He is able to overcome even the power of death. Overcome all difficulties.
That is why the nickname of a true saint, who is born of God, is one who overcomes. The origin of saints is an egg from God.
Let's make this confession together. “I am born of God”