Title The speaking voice/Numbers 7:89
Content Title: The speaking voice
Text: Num 7:89
Introduction: When Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak to the Lord, the ark of the testimony
櫃) above the mercy seat, between the two cherubim above, the voice speaking to him
I have heard the word of the LORD.
It is very precious and appreciated that Jehovah Himself speaks with his voice.
it's a god thing
1. Moses tried to speak to the Lord
No matter how extreme the gap between God and man is, man
You have to speak to God, and God has to listen.
Because Moses, the man of God, was called by God from the beginning, he
Speak to God (pray) to learn and understand the meaning of
was done.
Then, in the text, he went into the tent of meeting to tell God.
will it be Perhaps all the tribes rejoice in the various objects of use in the sanctuary.
It seems that he was trying to report these facts because he was dedicated to
In any case, it is impossible to enter the tent of meeting without a purpose.
will be given to the Lord.
2. The Voice of Jehovah
As the people gladly carried out the offerings in the sanctuary, God immediately
He responded and came near to the people. prepare everything
and was brave to remove the unclean things inside the camp, and the leader Moses
He came into the tent of meeting and tried to speak to the Lord, so he knew all this well.
God Himself spoke between the two cherubim on the mercy seat above the ark
appeared as a voice.
God had previously appointed Moses, the people's mediator, to calculate Sinai.
He was separated from him as in the mountains, and he did not meet him; he was among the people.
They met in the tent of meeting, the dwelling place where God will reside in the future.
Conclusion: In the Old Testament times, the presence of the Lord is usually the Word.
He could tell by the sound of his voice.
I am always like this not only to Moses, but also to Samuel and other servants and prophets of the Lord.
It was heard in the voice of Tanassa. The Son Jesus Appeared in the New Testament Age
Every time he came out, he appeared as a speaking voice (Matthew 3:17, 17:5, John 12:28).