Title Wash Your Hands and Feet (June 2, 2006)
Date: December 3, 2006
Word: Exodus 30:17-21
Title: Wash your hands and feet
Contents :
Washing your hands and feet is one of the nagging we heard a lot when we were young. Wash your hands when you touch something bad, and wash your feet when you step on something bad.
The laver is the word kiyor, which means 'round' or 'pot'. Actually, the laver is a large basin made of bronze, and this brass basin is placed between the sanctuary and the altar of burnt offering. Anyone who went in without washing was not allowed to die.
This laver is a model that typifies Jesus Christ. The water of this laver represents the blood of Jesus on the cross that was shed for us.
Reasons to wash limbs
If we look at the motives and reasons for people washing in the Old Testament times, first, washing a part of the body in daily life, washing a part of a priest or sacrifice in relation to the rite of purification, and washing as a decorative method to prepare for loved ones. You can share.
Why do we need to wash our hands and feet in today's text?
① Because the sanctuary is literally a holy place.
The sanctuary is the place of God's presence. In Exodus 3:5, God said, “Do not come near here, and take off your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”
All believers in the New Testament era should know that this place where I am standing right now is in front of God.
② It was because of the bloody slaughter on the altar of burnt offering.
The cause of bloody slaughter is sin. For sin, the lamb and the calf dove are bloodshed instead.
③ It is going in to meet the God of hosts.
④ Because washing brings pleasure.
Washing hands and feet constitutes bodily pleasure.
Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, that a new day will come from the presence of the Lord.
After you have washed away your sins, you will experience pleasure from God.
⑤ Washing hands and feet is an eternal ordinance.