Title Worship (7)
Worship/禮拜 (Acts 2:1-13)/⑺
When George Whitefield of England was giving a sermon one day, a friend was dozing hard. Whitefield stopped the sermon, went down the podium, and gave this advice to the sleeping man: It is said that he continued the second half of the sermon after severely rebuking him, 'If my sermon is Whitefield's, you can sleep, but how can you sleep when God is speaking?' There is an anecdote that a friend who woke up from sleep received the greatest grace in his life. Today's text is what happened on the Day of Pentecost, and the preacher wants to examine today's text from the perspective of worship.
First, worship is gathering at the promised place (Acts 2:1).
“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all gathered together in one place,” he said. The meaning of the church (kahal) in the Old Testament is ① the gathering of those who are called and ② the gathering of volunteers. 120 people gathered in Mark's upper room (1) voluntarily to receive the Lord's promise (Acts 1:4-5). We, too, must receive the promises the Lord promises to give us through worship. (2) They volunteered to believe and obey the word of the Lord (Acts 1:8-13). Yes. Do I gather to hear and obey the word of the Lord through worship? ⑶ We gathered voluntarily to pray with one mind (Acts 1:14). They longed for and prayed because they believed the word of the Lord. What do we look like today?
Second, worship is the time when the grace of the Holy Spirit comes upon me (Acts 2:2-3).
“Suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a rushing strong wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting, and they saw tongues splitting like fire, and it rested upon each one of them.” (1) rapid and strong wind The wind like ① means breath, ② breath, and ③ gust of wind. Here, the grace of the Spirit like the wind is like breath, like breath, and grace like a gust of wind. (2) Like tongues of fire refers to flames like tongues, and it refers to the power of language. When Peter, an ordinary man who caught a fish, received the Holy Spirit like a strong wind and tongues of fire, thousands of people shed tears, ripped their clothes, and repented.
Third, worship is the time when the gifts of the Holy Spirit come upon us (Acts 2:4).
He said, 'They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.' It means being under the full influence of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, whenever we worship, we must have the determination to be controlled by the Holy Spirit, be prepared to be guided by the Holy Spirit, and have the determination to live under the full influence of the Holy Spirit.