Untitled Devotion (April 24)
nameless devotion
(Matthew 21:1-11)
nameless devotion
(Matthew 21:1-11)
Before being crucified, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. He did not ride on a mature donkey, but went up to Jerusalem on a young donkey that no man had ever ridden.(..) Today's talk is about the owner of the donkey. Who is this person?
① He is an unnamed loyalist.
All four Gospels say that he rode on a donkey when he entered Jerusalem. .(...) As we organize the 50-year history of our church, we discover that truly precious people have served our church.(...)
② He is a devotee without light.
Behind the gold medalists are loyal trainers, coaches, etc. We have to look at this part. There is neither name nor light of the people who served with bricks during the Shinchon Tent Church days. There are some people who struggled to gather people who were scattered when Manmin Church was founded. There were no official congratulations or commendations. Those who devote themselves to the class meeting, those who devoted themselves to the construction of the temple... When there are many nameless and lightless devotees, a healthy and beautiful church becomes a church.
③ He is a loyalist with no reward.
To the donkey owner, the donkey must have been a great asset. But the Lord said that he would use it, so I sent it willingly. (...) There are people who have served and kept the church for 30 or 40 years. However, they did not wish for compensation.(...)
④ Unconditional loyalty.
Jesus-centered, God-first. If it is God's request, unconditional loyalty without conditions or excuses is the believer's view of life. At that time, God is in charge of all of our lives.(...)
⑤ A person who knows true joy.
Where does the joy and fulfillment of life come from?(...) It comes from doing something righteous for someone. The true joy of saints comes from consecrating to God.(...) A person who loves finds joy when he gives everything he has to the one who loves him. This is the joy of consecration. Amen.