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Fraud occurred in the South Korean election, but the government is not investigating. Pray that the government will investigate and punish those who cheated.

Sermons for Preaching


2010 on the rock



In 2010, I pray that God's great, wonderful and mysterious works will be accomplished through all the families of the members.

As we saw through the apology service, we believe that 2010 will be a blessed year for us to conquer spiritual Canaan, which we have not been able to achieve.

Believe and expect that the seeds of faith that have been sown in tears over the past years will now grant you a platform of joy through your family, your children, and through the revival of the church.

For this precious year, we will hold on to the words of Matthew 16:18, “On this rock I will build my church.”


First of all, you must immediately know the subject of your faith and believe rightly in the year when you confess your faith.

Our Lord is not a dead God, but a living and working One.

Please confess once again that He is truly the Son of God and delivers us from our sins. The Jesus we believe in is the purpose of our life.

We encourage you to live a purpose-driven life, a life Jesus leads us.


He gave promises to those who have the right confession of faith.

He said that he would set me up on a rock.

A rock is a broad, flat stone. There is no vibration. Faith is unwavering.

First, it will be a year of building the church on the rock. Our church is the church of the Lord established with the price of the Lord's blood. Although Satan bit Jesus' heel, Jesus struck Satan's head. The church established by the Lord may be shaken. But the shaking will make you stand stronger. So, let's go forward believing that the Lord will build our faithful church on the rock more strongly. Jesus is the head and we are members. Even if one part of our body is weak, it cannot be said to be healthy. Let's all move towards a healthy community.


Second, it will be a year in which families stand on the rock.

A family that is pleasing to the Lord is a family that is united through love and one through faith. It will be a family where the whole family worships together, a family where the father of faith blesses his children, and a family that recognizes the authority of the father of faith.

The children of the young will become a strong force in the family like an arrow in the water.

Your children will honor your parents and you will be blessed with good health and long life on earth.


Finally, this year, both individual workplaces and businesses will stand on the rock of faith.

Do your best in worship and prayer. The Lord has given everyone the talent of 2010. Bless yourself. God-given authority and power are in your mouth and hands. Do your best to be praised for being a good and loyal servant. Please do not look at the fruit first and sow the seeds with tears.

If there is a time to sow, the time will surely come when you will reap the sheaf with joy.


This year, individuals, families and children will all stand on the rock.


When we all stand on the rock of faith, we are bound to both heaven and earth.

It will be a year of unwinding.


Wishing you big and holy dreams in the new year of hope. Let's take a strong step towards that dream. The road we take is the road of rock.

Hallelujah! I love you all in the name of the Lord.


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This is Sermons for preaching. This will be of help to your preaching. These sermons consist of public domain sermons and bible commentaries. It is composed of Bible chapters. So it will help you to make your preaching easier. This is sermons(study Bible) for preaching.