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Bible Commentaries
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Fraud occurred in the South Korean election, but the government is not investigating. Pray that the government will investigate and punish those who cheated.

Sermons for Preaching

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Verses 1-7

Psalm 110

The Psalm of the King-Priest

1. His person, exaltation and waiting (Psalms 110:1)

2. His manifestation and His glory (Psalms 110:2-4)

3. His judgment and His glory (Psalms 110:5-7)

Seven verses only, but what revelations and depths we find here! The Psalm is frequently quoted in the New Testament. Who is the person of whom the first verse testifies? Here is the critics’ answer. “Is the Psalm Messianic? Looking at it by itself, and without prepossession, one would not say that it is, for the writer has in mind some actual ruler of his own day, and his references are to events of his own times” (Prof. Davidson). But what about the words of our Lord in Matthew 22:41-46? In the light of these words every critic who denies the Messianic meaning of this Psalm is branded as a liar. And such they are. Our Lord shows that David wrote the Psalm, that he wrote by the Spirit, that the Psalm speaks of Him, as David’s Lord and David’s Son. To deny these facts is infidelity. And the Holy Spirit useth the Psalm to show the exaltation of Christ. See Acts 2:34-35; Hebrews 1:13 and Hebrews 10:12-13.

How well it fits in with the preceding Psalm. The Rejected One is the Risen One. His work on earth as the sin-bearer is finished. God raised Him from the dead and exalted Him to His own right hand. There He waits for the hour when God will make His enemies His footstool. This is not accomplished by the preaching of the gospel, nor by the work of the Church, but by God when He sends Him back to earth again and He will bind Satan and all His enemies will be overthrown. The rod of His power will proceed out of Zion and He will rule in the midst of His enemies. Then in that coming day of power, His people (Israel) will be a willing people, who will shine in the beauty of holiness in the dawning of the morning. He will be the true Melchisedec, a Priest upon His own throne. Then His judgment work and His Victory, judging nations and the wicked head of nations. “He shall drink of the brook in the way, therefore shall He lift up the head.” He was the humbled One, who drank of death, and now is the exalted One. (For a complete exposition see the author’s pamphlet “The Royal Psalms.”)


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This is Sermons for preaching. This will be of help to your preaching. These sermons consist of public domain sermons and bible commentaries. It is composed of Bible chapters. So it will help you to make your preaching easier. This is sermons(study Bible) for preaching.