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Bible Commentaries
빨간색 글자와 언더라인 없는 링크 Sunday school Education
Please pray.
Fraud occurred in the South Korean election, but the government is not investigating. Pray that the government will investigate and punish those who cheated.
Urgent Prayer: The president of South Korea is trying to uncover fraudulent elections. Members of the opposition National Assembly, who were elected in a fraudulent election, want to impeach the president. Pray that the president of South Korea will not be impeached. The forces behind the fraudulent election are from the Chinese Communist Party, North Korea, and the Communist Party in South Korea. Pray that those responsible for the election fraud will be found and punished. Pray that there will be no bloodshed in South Korea. Pray that Satan and the evil spirits controlling them will be bound.

Sermons for Preaching

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Verse 1

And. Omit.

after, &c. See Revelation 4:1.

heard. The texts add "as it were".

in. App-104.

heaven. See Revelation 3:12.

Alleluia. See Psalms 104:35.

Salvation = The salvation.

glory = the glory. See p. 1511.

and honour. The texts omit.

power = the power. App-172.1 and Revelation 176:1.

unto, &c. The texts read "of our God".

Lord. App-98.

God. App-98.

Verse 2

true. App-175.

righteous. App-191.

judgments. App-177.

hath. Omit.

judged. App-122.

earth. App-129.

servants. App-190.

Verse 3

said = have said Notice Figure of speech Epanadiplosis. App-6.

rose = goeth.

for, &c. See Revelation 1:6 and App-151. a.

Verse 4

elders. See Revelation 4:4.

beasts. Greek. zoa, as Revelation 4:6. Elders and beasts mentioned here for the last time.

worshipped. App-137.

That sat. Literally the (One) sitting. on. App-104. with texts.

Amen. See Revelation 3:14 and p. 1511 (Verily).

Verse 5

out of = from. Greek. ek, but the texts read apo. App-104.

servants. App-190. See Psalms 134:1.

and, both. Omit.

Verse 6

mighty. Compare App-172.

God. App-98. Most of the texts read "our God".

Omnipotent = The Omnipotent. App-98. "Almighty" in Revelation 19:15.

Verse 7

rejoice = be exceeding glad. Only here in Rev. First occurance: Matthew 5:12.

honour = the glory. See Revelation 19:1.

marriage = marriage-feast. Greek. gamos. See Matthew 22:2, &c.; Revelation 25:10; and (Septuagint) Genesis 29:22. Esther 1:5; Esther 2:18; Esther 9:22. In Revelation 19:9 "supper". See App-140and App-197.

wife. Greek. gune. Here and Revelation 21:9 "wife". Elsewhere in Rev. "woman".

Verse 8

that = in order that. Greek. hina.

clean and white. The texts read "bright and pure". See Revelation 15:6.

righteousness. App-191. Plural.

saints = the saints. See Acts 9:13.

Verse 9

unto = to.

Blessed. Greek. makarios. The fourth of the seven occurrences of "Blessed" in Rev., and the forty-seventh in N.T. See Matthew 5:3.

called . . . Lamb. See Psalms 45:14 for some of the "called" there indicated.

unto. App-104.

supper. Greek. deipnon. First occurrence Matthew 23:6. Here equivalent to the marriage feast of Revelation 19:7.

unto = to.

true. App-175.

sayings. App-121.

Verse 10

at = before. Greek. emprosthen.

worship. App-137.

said. Literally saith.

unto = to.

See. App-133.

fellowservant. Greek. sundoulos. Here, Revelation 6:11; Revelation 22:9, in Rev.

of = with.

have = hold.

testimony. See Revelation 1:2.

Jesus. App-98.

spirit. App-101.

prophecy. Greek. propheteia. Occurs seven times in Rev. See Revelation 1:3. This testimony may be as concerning Jesus, or as sent or borne by Him, as in Revelation 1:1

Verse 11

saw. App-133.

heaven = the heaven. See Revelation 3:12.

behold. App-133.

white horse. Contrast that and its rider of Revelation 6:2.

He That sat, &c. The prophecy in Zechariah 9:9 as to the Lord entering Jerusalem riding on an ass was fulfilled literally (Matthew 21:4-11); why then stumble, as do some, at the prediction here of "this same Jesus" riding on a "white horse"? Zechariah 9:9, Zechariah 9:10 takes in both comings. See also Psa 45.

upon him = thereon.

upon. App-104.

Faithful. App-150and App-175

True. App-175.

righteousness. App-191.

judge. App-122.

Verse 12

His. Read "And His".

were, as = are. The texts omit "as".

on. Same as "upon", Revelation 19:11.

crowns = diadems. See Revelation 12:3; Revelation 13:1.

had = hath.

no man = no one. Greek. oudeis.

knew. App-132.

but = if (App-118. a) not

Verse 13

dipped = dyed, or stained. Greek. bapto, as Luke 16:24. John 13:26. Some texts read "sprinkled", Greek. rhantizo. See the word in Hebrews 9:13.

in = with. No preposition. Compare Isaiah 9:5; Isaiah 63:1-6.

called. If the comma is after "called", as in some Bibles, it would mean"announced" or "called", with inverts: if omitted, it is descriptive without inverts.

Word. App-121.

Verse 14

were = are.

upon. As "on", Revelation 19:4.

Verse 15

This verse contains references to Psalms 2:9. Isaiah 11:4; Isaiah 49:2; Isaiah 63:3.

out of. App-104.

rule. Literally "shepherd". Greek. poimaino. See Revelation 2:27; Revelation 2:7. Revelation 2:17; Revelation 12:5.

rod = sceptre. See Psalms 2:9.

and. The texts read here "of the Almighty" (Revelation 19:6).

Verse 16

KING . . . LORDS. See Revelation 17:14. Here at length we have the final fulfillment of Psa 2

Verse 17

saw. App-133.

an = one.

the midst of heaven = mid-heaven, as Revelation 14:6.

gather . . . together. The texts read "be gathered together".

the supper . . . God. The texts read "the great supper of God".

Verse 18

the. Omit.

mighty. Compare App-172.

men, men. Omit.

free. See Revelation 6:15.

bond. App-190. See verses: Revelation 19:2, Revelation 19:5. Compare Ezekiel 39:17-22 concerning this, or a subsequent, period. The invitation of "beasts" to the feast in Ezekiel not mentioned here.

Verse 19

gathered together. Greek. sunago, as Revelation 19:17.

war. The texts add "the". See Revelation 16:14.

against = with. Greek. meta. App-104.

That sat = Who sitteth.

on. App-104.

Verse 20

taken = arrested. In Acts 12:4 and 2 Corinthians 11:32, "apprehend". See the use of the verb in John 7:30; John 10:39.

false prophet. See Revelation 16:13 with Revelation 20:10.

Wrought = did. Greek. poieo. Same as "make", Revelation 19:19.

miracles = the signs. App-176.

deceived. App-128.

worshipped. App-137.

cast, &c. Compare Daniel 7:11.

a = the.

brimstone. Greek. theion. See Revelation 9:17.

Verse 21

the remnant = the rest. App-124.

proceeded. The texts read "came forth".

with App-104.


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