Verse 1
Woe = Alas for! See note on "For", Zephaniah 2:4.
her: i.e. Jerusalem. See the Structure, p. 1272.
filthy = rebellious.
polluted. Hebrew. ga"al, (1) to redeem: (2) to make or deem common or unclean. A Homonym, with two meanings. Not the same word as in Zephaniah 3:4.
Verse 2
she received not. Some codices, with two early printed editions, Aramaean, Syriac, and Vulgate, read "neither hath she accepted".
correction = discipline.
trusted = confided. Hebrew. batah. App-69. Not the same word as in Zephaniah 3:12.
the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4.
she drew not near, &c. Some codices, with one early printed edition, Aramaean, Septuagint, and Syriac, read "neither unto her God hath she drawn near".
God. Hebrew. Elohim. App-4.
Verse 3
gnaw not: or, reserve not.
Verse 4
light = reckless.
treacherous persons = men (Hebrew. "enosh, App-14.) of treacheries; placing the emphasis on the treachery.
polluted = profaned. Hebrew. halal. Not the same word as in Zephaniah 3:1. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 19:8; Leviticus 21:23; Leviticus 22:15. Numbers 18:32). App-92.
done violence, &c. Compare Jeremiah 2:8. Ezekiel 22:26.
Verse 5
in the midst thereof. Reference to Pentateuch (Numbers 5:3. Deuteronomy 7:21). App-92. Compare Zephaniah 3:15.
iniquity. Hebrew. "avah. App-44.
every morning = morning by morning. See Psalms 101:8.
unjust = perverse. Hebrew. "aval. See App-44.
Verse 6
towers. See note on Zephaniah 1:16.
Verse 7
corrupted, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Genesis 6:12, same word). App-92.
Verse 8
Therefore, &c. The Massorah (App-30and App-93) calls attention to the fact that this verse (Zephaniah 3:8) contains all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, including the five final letters. This implies that the verse takes in the whole purpose of Jehovah concerning Israel.
upon: or, for.
saith the Lord = [is] Jehovah"s oracle.
to the prey. Septuagint and Syriac read "as a witness", reading "ed instead of "ad. Compare Micah 2:2.
gather = gather in. Not the same word as in Zephaniah 2:1.
assemble = gather out.
for all the earth. See Zephaniah 1:18; and compare the Structure, p. 1272.
the fire of My jealousy. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 4:24).
Verse 9
then: i.e. after all that is implied in Zephaniah 3:8. Note the order of the blessings in "9, 10": Gentiles first, and Israel after; But in "18-20-", Israel first, and Gentiles after.
people = peoples.
a pure language = a lip purified: i.e. a clean lip in contrast with "unclean" lips (Isaiah 6:5).
pure = separated from that which is impure or unclean. Hebrew. barar, as in Ezekiel 20:38. Isaiah 52:11. Daniel 11:35; Daniel 12:10. The reference is, to being made fit for the worship of Jehovah, as the next clause shows. Compare Zephaniah 1:4, Zephaniah 1:5.
that they may. Some codices, with Syriac, and Vulgate, read "and may".
consent. Hebrew shoulder. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct), App-6, for the service rendered by it. It is not the Figure of speech Metaphor as alleged.
Verse 10
suppliants = worshippers. Hebrew. "athar. Occurs in this sense nowhere else. From "athar = to burn incense (Ezekiel 8:11); hence to pray or worship.
the daughter of My dispersed: i.e. My dispersed People [Israel].
Verse 11
transgressed. Hebrew. pasha". App-44.
because of = in.
Verse 12
trust = flee for refuge to. Hebrew. hasah. App-69. Not the same word as in Zephaniah 3:2.
the name. See note on Psalms 20:1.
Verse 13
for they shall feed, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 26:5, Leviticus 26:6). App-92.
Verse 14
Sing, &c. Figure of speech Poeonismus. App-6.
Verse 15
enemy. Some codices, with Aramaean, Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate, read "foes" (plural)
in the midst, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 7:21).
see. The Codex Hillel, quoted in the Massorah, (App-30and App-93) with some codices, three early printed editions (one Rabbinic, marg), Aramaean, and Vulgate, read, "fear"; but other codices, with nine early printed editions, Septuagint (?), and Vulgate, read "see", as in Authorized Version.
evil = calamity. Hebrew. ra"a". App-44.
Verse 16
Fear thou not. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 7:21).
be slack = hang down.
Verse 17
is mighty; He will save. The Hebrew accents place the chief pause or emphasis on "save", implying not that He will save at some future time, but that He is an ever-present Saviour. Read "Jehovah thy Elohim is in the midst of thee, mighty to save [at all times]". Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 10:17).
He will rejoice, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 30:9). App-92.
will rest. Hebrew will be silent. Septuagint reads "will renew thee"
over thee. The Hebrew accent places the emphasis on these two words.
Verse 18
sorrowful for. Supply the Ellipsis = "sorrowful for [the cessation of]".
solemn assembly = appointed season.
a burden. Some codices, with one early printed edition (Rabbinic, margin), Aramaean, and Syriac, read "aburden on thee".
Verse 19
Behold. Figure of speech Asterismos. App-6.
undo = deal with.
gather = gather out, bring together what has been dispersed. Hebrew. kabaz, as in Zephaniah 3:20. Not the same word as in verses: Zephaniah 8:18, or as in Zephaniah 2:1. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 30:3, Deuteronomy 30:4). App-92.
I will get them, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 26:19).
Verse 20
for I will make you, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 26:19). App-92.
turn back your captivity. Hebrew, plural. Idiom for restoring blessings as aforetime. See note on Deuteronomy 30:3,
saith = hath said.