ANIMAL, n. L. animal, from anima, air, breath, soul.
An organized body, endowed with life and the power of voluntary motion; a living, sensitive, locomotive body; as, man is an intelligent animal. Animals are essentially distinguished from plants by the property of sensation. The contractile property of some plants, as the mimosa, has the appearance of the effect of sensation, but it may be merely the effect of irritability.
The distinction here made between animals and vegetables, may not be philosophically accurate; for we cannot perhaps ascertain the precise limit between the two kinds of beings, but this is sufficiently correct for common practical purposes.
The history of animals is called zoology.
By way of contempt, a dull person is called a stupid animal.
ANIMALIZATION, n. The act of giving animal life,or endowing with the properties of an animal.
1. To give animal life to; to endow with the properties of animals.
2. To convert into animal matter.
ANIMALIZED, pp. Endowed with animal life.
ANIMALIZING, ppr. Giving animal life to.
ANIMATE, v.t L. amino. See Animal.
1. To give natural life to; to quicken; to make alive; as the soul animates the body.
2. To give powers to, or to heighten the powers or effect of a thing; as, to animate a lyre.
3. To give spirit or vigor; to infuse courage, joy, or other enlivening passion; to stimulate or incite; as, to animate dispirited troops.
1. Being endowed with anima life, as the various classes of animated beings.
2. a. Lively; vigorous; full of spirit; indicating animation; as an animated discourse.
ANIMATING, ppr. Giving life; infusing spirit; enlivening.
1. The act of infusing life; the state of being animated.
2. The state of being lively, brisk or full of spirit and vigor; as, he recited the story with great animation.
ANIMATIVE, a. That has the power of giving life or spirit.
ANIMATOR, n. One that gives life; that which infuses life or spirit.
ANIME, n. In heraldry, a term denoting that the eyes of a rapacious animal are borne of a different tincture from the animal himself.
ANIME, n. A resin exuding from the stem of a large American tree called by the natives courbaril; by Piso, jetaiba. It is of a transparent amber color, a light agreeable smell, and of little or no taste. It dissolves entirely, but not readily, in rectified spirit of wine, and is used by the Brazilians in fumigations, for pains proceeding from cold.