BE, v.i. substantive, ppr.being; pp.been.The sense is to stand, remain or be fixed; hence to continue. This verb is defective, and its defects are supplied by verbs from other roots, as, is, was, were, which have no radical connection with be. The case is the same with the substantive verb in most languages.
1. To be fixed; to exist; to have a real state or existence,for a longer or shorter time.
Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus. Phil.2.
To be, contents his natural desire.
2. To be made to be; to become.
And they twain shall be one flesh. Math.19. Jer.32.
3. To remain. Let the garment be as it was made.
4. To be present in a place. Where was I at the time? When will you be at my house?
5. To have a particular manner of being or happening; as, how is this affair? how was it? what were the circumstances?
This verb is used as an auxiliary in forming the tenses of other verbs, and particularly in giving them the passive form; as, he has been disturbed. It forms, with the infinitive, a particular future tense, which often expresses duty, necessity or purpose; as, government is to be supported; we are to pay our just debts.
Let be is to omit,or leave untouched; to let alone.
Let be,said he, my prey.
BE, a prefix, as in because, before, beset, bedeck,is the same word as by. It is common to the English, Saxon, Gothic, German, Dutch, Danish and Swedish languages. It occurs probably in the Russian, but is written po, as it is in possideo and a few other words in the Latin. It denotes nearness, closeness, about, or, at, from some root signifying to pass or to press. See By.
That this word is the Shemitic, used as a prefix, is certain, not only from its general applications, which may be seen by comparing the uses of the word, in the Heb. for instance, with those in the Saxon; but from its use in particular phrases, particularly in its use before the name of the Supreme being in swearing.
BEING, ppr. See Be. Existing in a certain state.
Man, being in honor, abideth not. Ps.49.
BEING,n. Existence; as, God is the author of our being.
In God we live, and move, and have our being. Acts 17.
1. A particular state or condition. This is hardly a different sense.
2. A person existing; applied to the human race.
3. An immaterial, intelligent existence, or spirit.
Superior beings, when of late they saw.
A mortal man unfold all natures law--
4. An animal; any living creature.
Animals are such beings, as are endowed with sensation and spontaneous motion.