BIND, v.t.
1. To tie together,or confine with a cord, or any thing that is flexible; to fasten as with a band, fillet or ligature.
2. To gird, inwrap or involve; to confine by a wrapper, cover or bandage; sometimes with up; as, to bind up a wound.
3. To confine or restrain, as with a chain, fetters or cord; as, bind him hand and foot.
4. To restrain in any manner.
He bindeth the floods from overflowing. Job.28.
5. To oblige by a promise, vow, stipulation, covenant, law, duty or any other moral tie; to engage.
If a man shall swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond. Numbers 30.
We are bound by the laws of kindness, of nature, of a state, &c.
6. To confirm or ratify.
Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven. Matt.16.
7. To distress, trouble, or confine by infirmity.
Whom Satan hath bound these eighteen years. Luke 13.
8. To constrain by a powerful influence or persuasion.
I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem. Acts.20.
9. To restrain the natural discharges of the bowels; to make costive; as, certain kinds of food bind the body or bowels.
10. To form a border; to fasten with a band, ribin, or any thing that strengthens the edges; as, to bind a garment or carpet.
11. To cover with leather or anything firm; to sew together and cover; as, to bind a book.
12. To cover or secure by a band; as, to bind a wheel with tire.
13. To oblige to serve, by contract; as, to bind an apprentice; often with out; as, to bind out a servant.
14. To make hard or firm; as, certain substances bind the earth.
To bind to is to contract; as, to bind ones self to a wife.
To bind over is to oblige by bond to appear at a court.
BINDING, ppr. Fastening with a band; confining; restraining; covering or wrapping; obliging by a promise or other moral tie; making costive; contracting; making hard or stiff.
BINDING, a. That obliges; obligatory; as the binding force of a moral duty or of a command.
BINDING, n. The act of fastening with a band or obliging; a bandage; the cover of a book, with the sewing and accompanying work; any thing that binds; something that secures the edge of cloth.
1. In the art of defense, a method of securing or crossing the adversarys sword with a pressure, accompanied with a spring of the wrist.
Binding-joists, in architecture, are the joists of a floor into which the trimmers of staircases, or well holes of the stairs and chimney ways, are framed.