DEMONSTRABLE, a. That may be demonstrated; that may be proved beyond doubt or contradiction; capable of being shown by certain evidence, or by evidence that admits of no doubt; as, the principles of geometry are demonstrable.
DEMONSTRABLENESS, n. The quality of being demonstrable.
DEMONSTRABLY, adv. In a manner to preclude doubt; beyond the possibility of contradiction.
DEMONSTRATE, v.t. L. To show.
1. To show or prove to be certain; to prove beyond the possibility of doubt; to prove in such a manner as to reduce the contrary position to evident absurdity. We demonstrate a problem in geometry, or a proposition in ethics, by showing that the contrary is absurd or impossible.
DEMONSTRATED, pp. Proved beyond the possibility of doubt; rendered certain to the mind.
DEMONSTRATING, ppr. Proving to be certain; evincing beyond the possibility of doubt.
1. The act of demonstrating, or of exhibiting certain proof.
2. The highest degree of evidence; certain proof exhibited, or such proof as establishes a fact or proposition beyond a possibility of doubt, or as shows the contrary position to be absurd or impossible.
3. Indubitable evidence of the senses, or of reason; evidence which satisfies the mind of the certainty of a fact or proposition. Thus we hold that the works of nature exhibit demonstration of the existence of a God.
4. In logic, a series of syllogisms, all whose premises are either definitions, self-evident truths, or propositions already established.
5. Show; exhibition.
6. In anatomy, the exhibition of parts dissected.
1. Showing or proving by certain evidence; having the power of demonstration; invincibly conclusive; as a demonstrative argument, or demonstrative reasoning.
2. Having the power of showing with clearness and certainty; as a demonstrative figure in painting.
DEMONSTRATIVELY, adv. With certain evidence; with proof which cannot be questioned; certainly; clearly; convincingly.
1. One who demonstrates; one who proves any thing with certainty, or with indubitable evidence.
2. In anatomy, one who exhibits the parts when dissected.